Cause of Mexican Revolution
When the liberals and intellectuals challenged the government of dictator Porfirio Diaz. When reformist Francisco I. Madero tried to run for the election legaly but Diaz refused to allow clean elections. Diaz got Madero put in jail, so he could win the election. But Madero eventually escaped from jail. -
The First Battle
Madero's troops, under Francisco “Pancho” Villa and Pascual Orozco, attacked the federal troops in Ciudad Juárez as hundreds of people watch from rooftops and train cars. This battle lasted three days. The U.S. also sent troops to watch the border, so no one could escape. -
Breaking the Alliance
(Month and date not stated) Orozco broke the alliance with Madero, then Madero assigned Villa and Victoriano Huerta to combat Orozco's rebels. -
La Decena Tragica
(The time period was Feb. 9-18) During the ten tragic days (“La Decena Tragica”) in México City, Huerta, Díaz, and Reyes attacked Madero’s army. Madero, his brother, and the vice president José María Pino Suárez were killed. Since Madero was killed Huerta took his place in office. -
The Removal
Woodrow Wilson(The U.S. President) sends troops to occupy Veracruz, México (April). Villa’s forces defeat Huerta’s forces and Huerta resigns (July). Carranza declares himself as president. Villa and Zapata break from Carranza and continue to challenge him (September). Carranza flees to Veracruz, where he negotiates the removal of the U.S. troops (November). -
Carranza takes Control
Carranza’s supporters, defeat Villa at the Battle of Celaya (April 13). Zapata’s supporters are defeated (May). Carranza returns to México City (August). The United States recognizes Carranza as México’s president (October). Mariano Azuela writes Los De Abajo (The Underdogs), the first novel about the revolution. -
Capturing Villa
Villa’s supporters attack a train and kill 17 Americans, including employees of the American Smelting and Refining Company (ASARCO). Anglo residents in El Paso attack Mexicans in a race riot outside of the Majestic Theater (January 13). Villa raids Columbus, NM (March). U.S. General John J. Pershing leads 10,000 soldiers into México and fails to capture Villa. -
The Constitution
A new Mexican Constitution is drafted and Carranza is elected president. -
Defeation of Villa
(not correct date) Villa is defeated at the last Battle of Juárez; Zapata is assassinated at Chinamecca.