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Mexican Revolution
Porfiro Diaz becomes President of Mexico
Porfiro Diaz was elected President of Mexico. He organized a coup d'etat in order to remove Benito Juarez from power.Diaz's goal was to acheive economic development. This led Diaz to allow much of Mexico's wealth to be controlled by foreign investors. His rule was harsh and volient-- he murdered his competitors and rigged voting. This led to a destabilized governemnt and economy. Fleckenstein, Jeff. "Mexico Under Porfiro Diaz." Lecture Notes. Sebastian, FL: Amanda Brocksmith, Apr. 16 2013. -
Diaz's Rule
He had the policy of Pan or Palo (Bread or the Stick). This was his strict policy of compliance with the governemtn, or you would get killed. The two pillars he focused on were the Rurales(police) and the Catholic church. He had the church under his control since he made them teach only certain things that would help his regime. Ecomomic aims were not successful. Rule: 1876-1911 Fleckenstein, Jeff. "Mexico Under Porfiro Diaz." Lecture Notes. Sebastian, FL: Amanda Brocksmith, April 18 2013. -
Overthrow of Diaz
Diaz is 80 years old and all of his successes have run out by now. This is causing the lower class to rebel becasue of they have no oppurtunities. Diaz said he would not run again for resident, but he did anyways.This begins a new time for rebellion because of the high tensions and dislike of Diaz by many. Fleckenstein, Jeff. "The Overthrow of Diaz." Lecture Notes. Sebastian, FL: Amanda Brocksmith, Apr. 18 2013. -
Madero begins revolution against Diaz
Madero issues the Plan of San Louis Potosi. This called for an armed rebellion against DIaz on Novermber 10, 1910. The fighting began under the rule of Orozo, a decorated Army General. He led an army of cowboys, farmers, pesasants, and other lower class citizns. Fleckenstein, Jeff. "The Overthrow of Diaz cont'd." Lecture Notes. Sebastian, FL: Amanda Brocksmith, Apr. 30 2013. -
Madero Enters Rebelion
Madero beings the revolution. Some think he is too conservative, and they want him to be more radical. Others, such as the Federales, think he's a radical because of his attempt to overthrow Diaz. Villa, Zapata, and Orozco are all working together under the rebellion. Zapata emerges as a leader in Morellos, where he begun the revolution in his hometown. -
Mexico Under Francisco Madero
From Feb. 9-19th, La decena tragica, or the Ten Tragic Days, occured. Madero put Huerta in charge of putting down the rebellion, Huerta goes against Madero and gives him an ultimatium: surrunder and live, or fight and die. Madero resigns, but Huerta kills him. Huerta placed in charge of Mexico but he doesn't become popular with the people. Fleckenstein, Jeff. "Mexico Under Francisco Madero." Lecture Notes. Sebastian, FL: Amanda Brocksmith, May 1 2013. -
Victory for Revolutionarys
Zapata wins at Cuatla which makes him a antional hero. Four days before that, Orozco and Villa capture Ciudad Juarez. This opens up the U.S. arms markt to Mexico, which brings in supplies and artillery. Diaz relaizes he can't win, and in order to save himself, he signs the Treaty of Ciudad Juarez on May 21, 1911. He formally resigns on May 25 and goes into exile in Europe. Fleckenstein, Jeff. "The Overthrow of Diaz cont'd." Lecture Notes. Sebastian, FL: Amanda Brocksmith, Apr. 30 2013. -
Plan of Guadalupe
Carranza issues the Plan of Guadalupe in order to attack the government and Huerta regime. He wants to overthrow Huerta. He only focuses on the transition of political aspects. He says nothing about land refrom in order to not alienate anybody and lose supportors. Fleckenstein, Jeff. "The Mexican Revolution and Venustiano Carranza." Lecture Notes. Sebastian, FL: Amanda Brocksmith, May 2 2013. -
The U.S Navy had their ship off the coast of Tampico. Some sailors got off the ship and were kidnapped by Mexican rebels. They were put in jail but were later released. The government apologized, but the ship captain didn't approve. This led to three demands from the captain to Huerta, but they were not followed. The US attacked Vera Cruz, where they gained control. *Helped lead to end of Huerta regime. Fleckenstein, Jeff. "Tampico." Lecture Notes. Sebastian, FL: Amanda Brocksmith, May 2 2013. -
Carranza takes Power
Obregon defeats Villa which leads to Carranza taking power. In OCtober, the US had recognized the Carranza goverment. In April-July, Obregon defeats Villa at three major battles. By July, Carranza had won the Civil War. By October, the US recognized the legitmacy of the Carranza government. By December, Obregon offered amnesty to Villiatas with exception to Villa and high officials. Fleckenstein, Jeff. "Carranza takes power." Lecture Notes. Sebastian, FL: Amanda Brocksmith, May 8 2013. -
Villistas capture Torreon from supporturs of Carranza. Villa allows for his folllowers to murder 90 women and men. They rape women as well. This amkes the poor and umemployed not want to follow Villa because he is way tooo radical. Villa struggles for support because of this. Fleckenstein, Jeff. "mexico after Revolution." Lecture Notes. Sebastian, FL: Amanda Brocksmith, May 14 2013. -
The Constitution of 1917
Carranza calls a constitutional convention and wants a moderate liberal constitution.it increases Carranza's power and gave the Mexican governemtn the power to take private property. The Catholic curch was restricted. It gives property rights to individuals and labor. Fleckenstein, Jeff. "Mexico Under Carranza (1915-1919)." Lecture Notes. Sebastian, FL: Amanda Brocksmith, May 8 2013. -
Villa's Amnesty
Villa asks for amnesty from Obregon. Villa says he wont rebel against the government as long as he gets 50,000 acres of land and bodygaurds. Obregon accepts and Villa "surrunders." This pretty much ends the Mexican Revoltuion. Fleckenstein, Jeff. "Mexico under Obregon." Lecture Notes. Sebastian, FL: Amanda Brocksmith, May 8 2013. -
Carranza's escape
Obregon makes the same mistake as Diaz by trying to handpick his successor. He realizes that there will probably be a coup d'etat, so he decides to leave Mexico. He gets on a train with supporters, guns, and Mexican gold. He doesnt make it out of Mexico and gets gunned down. This leads to Obregon becoming President. Fleckenstein, Jeff. "Carranza takes power." Lecture Notes. Sebastian, FL: Amanda Brocksmith, May 8 2013. -
After the Revolution
Obregon gets in power but Calles gets power after him. Villa refuses to recognize Calles as successor, so Calles has him murdered in order to not cause more rebellion. The economy in Mexico was modernized and the hacienda no longer dominated. The Catholic church lost power and new elites from the urban and industrialized middle class arose. The mass of peoplke gained little. Fleckenstein, Jeff. "Mexico after the Revolution." Lecture Notes. Sebastian, FL: Amanda Brocksmith, May 14 2013.