
NASA: The Apollo Missions

  • Apollo 1

    Apollo 1
    Astronauts: Virgil Grissom, Edward White, Roger Chaffee The first Apollo mission was me with tradgedy. During a preflight test astronauts Grissom, White, and Chaffee lost theri lives due to a fire that engulfed the command module they were running tests on.
  • Apollo 7

    Apollo 7
    Astronauts: Walter Schirra Jr., Walter CUnningham, Donn Eisele After the failure of Apollo 1, the next manned mission was used as a test run. During this mission the astronauts were tasked with demonstrating the use of the space vehicles, life support, and rendezvous capabilities.
  • Apollo 8

    Apollo 8
    Astronauts: Frank Borman, William Anders, James Lovell Jr. Apollo 8 was similar to Apoolo 7 in that the astronauts had to preform exercises with the command service module (CSM) and support facilities. The astronauts also practiced CSM navigation, communication, and midcourse corrections.
  • Apollo 9

    Apollo 9
    Astronauts: James McDivitt, Russell Schweickart, David Scott This mission was primarily used to test different rendezvous procedures while orbiting the Earth.
  • Apollo 10

    Apollo 10
    Astronauts: Thomas Stafford, Eugene Cernan, John Young Apollo 10 was a mission to practice all of the aspects of a lunar landing without actually landing. After descending to about 9 miles off of the surafce of the moon, the team began its ascent back up to rendezvous and dock with the command module.
  • Apollo 11

    Apollo 11
    Astronauts: Neil Armstrong, Edwin Aldrin, Michael Collins Apollo 11 is easily the most famous mission. During this mission a crewed lunar landing was succesful and all astronauts returned to Earth. Below is a link to a great interactive program that goes through the Apollo 11 mission.
  • Apollo 12

    Apollo 12
    Astronauts: Charles Conrad Jr., Alan Bean, Richard Gordon Jr. The Apollo 12 mission was the second crewed lunar landing. This mission included lunar exploration tasks such as surveying land, collecting samples, and evaluations of capability to work on the lunar surface for extended periods of time.
  • Apollo 13

    Apollo 13
    Astronauts: James Lovell Jr., Fred Haise, John Sweigert Apollo 13 is probably the second most well known mission. While this mission was slated to be the third moon landing an explosion caused the lunar landing to be aborted. Although, the mission was a failure, all three astronauts returned safely to Earth. This mission is well known for the movie that was created about it with the same title as the mission. Below is a link to the trailer. https://youtu.be/fuRZcZ4kW-Y
  • Apollo 14

    Apollo 14
    Astronauts: Alan Shepard Jr., Edgar Mitchell, Stuart Roosa Apoolo 14 was the third lunar landing. During this mission astronauts were tasked with exploring the Fra Mauro region of the moon. While there they examined lunar field geology and collected samples, as well as took high resolution photographs of deep space.
  • Apollo 15

    Apollo 15
    Astronauts: David Scott, James Irwin, Alfred Worden Apollo 15 was the first extended stay on the moon. Astronauts were given more time to explore the Hadley-Apennine region of the moon and conduct similar geological surveys to previous missions.
  • Apollo 16

    Apollo 16
    Astronaut: John Young, Charles Duke Jr., Thomas Mattingly II Apollo 17 was very similar to the previous mission. The location of this lunar landing and excursion was the Descartes region. Astronauts were also tasked with conducting some orbital experiments while moving around the Earth.
  • Apollo 17

    Apollo 17
    Astronauts: Eugene Cernan, Harrison Schmitt, Ronald Evans The final Apoolo mission was another lunar landing in the Taurus-Littrow highlands and valleys area. The astronauts were to examine rock samples that were both older and younger than previous samples.