The Melting Pot

  • Start of citizenship in the U.S.

    Naturalization Act was passed by congress. Stating any free white, male, adult alien or female whom resided in the U.S. for 2 years was eligible for citizenship.
  • Immigrants

    More and more immigrants were coming into the U.S. The rules of citizenship had to change.
  • Civil War

    After the civil war, citizenship was granted to African Americans.
  • Naturalizaiton

    Naturalization papers were handed out. Pledging loyalty to the U.S. The Immigrants had to study history and remember laws and then pass a test.
  • Marriage

    Indian women married to white men were granted citizenship through marriage but had no right to vote.
  • Voting

    American Indian men who owned land and paid taxes were granted the right to vote.
  • World War I

    American Indian men who fought in World War I were granted citizenship.
  • Indian Citizenship Act

    This act gave citizenship to all American Indians in the U.S. This also meant that all men, women, and children could vote once they were 21.