costantinople A.D.
After the Roman empire was split Constantine got the eastern side of the split. Constantine wanted to start from scratch and build his empire how he wanted it. Also Constantine wanted to convert to christianity and he built water ducts so he could get clean water for him and his people. Ottoman Turks wanted to take over Constatinople and Constantine built or helped bulit three walls but soon enough the OttomanTurks took over and renamed it that also meant the fall of the Constantinpole. -
The fall of Roman empire A.D.
The fall of the roman empire was bad and it happened like this. The Visagoths were people who wanted gold and they didn't like being told no so when the Romans said they left and made a plan. The plan was to starve the romans till they are weak enough to attack. So they started to take all their food and suplies the Romans needed to survive and when they were all about to die of starvation the Visagoths went right in took all their food and every thing else and left it there to die. -
Period: 476 to May 15, 1500
the medieval eges
May 16, 747
Charlemange A.D.
Charlemange was the first king since the fall of the Roman empire had happened. Charlemange was born April 2, 747 and died Januray 28, 814. He was king of the lambords from 774-814. He was emperor from 800 to 814. Charlemange was also called Chalemange I and Charles the Great. Charlemange's father Pippin was also called Pippin the Short. Charlemanges dream was to rebulid the Roman empire. -
May 16, 1028
willam the conguer
May 16, 1096
the first crusades
May 16, 1205
magma carta
May 16, 1340
the black death B.C.
May 16, 1346
ottoman turks B.C.