Plato's view
Plato believed that the meaning of life was to seek knowlede and spread that knowledge to other people, thus bettering ourselves and society as a whole -
Aristotle's view
Aristotle's belief was simlar to Plato's, probably because it is believed that he was a student of Plato. He thought that the meaning of life was to find the good in human beings and the good in your own existance, and spread that goodness whenever you can. -
Antisthene's view
Antisthene believed that the meaning of lfe was to simply live in harmony with nature and to leave this earth as we left it, and maybe even leave it better than we arrived on it. -
Gautama Buddha's view
Buddha's thought about life was basically that we should achieve and bring te most good into the world as we can while we are here. It is our duty for ourselves and others to act the best we can. -
Jan 24, 700
Jizang's view
Jizang's belief was that to attach yourself to anything in life was to create despair for yourself, so we should all be as happy as we can and not sweat the small stuff that occurs in our lifetime. Don't become too atached to anything. -
Jan 24, 1000
Cheng Hao's view
Hao's opinon was that the meaning of life is to evolve and change as much as we can for the better with our time on earth. However, this should not change the principles that the gods tat made us have laid down. -
Jan 24, 1260
Thomas Aquinas' view
Aquinas' view on the meaning of life is that not everything that simply exists is important, feelings and sensations are more important and should be treated as such. We all must do what we can to spread the belief of god, which we know exits because of these sensations we feel. -
Thomas Hobbes' view
The meaning of life is the basic movements of the organism. It is up to those making the movements how to make thir life meaningful. -
Rene Descartes' view
"I think therefore I am" The meaning of life is to spread feelins and sensations with others and make their life as colorful as possible. -
Baruch Spinoza's view
Baruch Spinoza believed that the only meaning in life was god. This meaning that you should exist to please our creator and do what he believes is right. -
Gottfried Wilhelm Von Leibniz's view
The meaning of life is inteaction with others and building a network and goignon this huge life journey with the support of others. -
David Hume's view
The meaning of human existance, in Hume's mind, is to achieve happiness. Whatever makes someone happy, they should do it, without worrying about what others will think of them. -
Immanuel Kant's view
The meaning of life is to repopulate and expand humanity's reach. All organisms are wanting to achieve this, we all want to leave the best future for the next generation. -
Derek Parfit's view
Derek Parfit expresses his take on the meaning of life in his book, "On What Matters", published in 2013. He believes that the only thngs that mtter in life are emotions. We should all seek out the really good ones, and block out the really bad ones. -
Information from:
Nadler, Steven. "Baruch Spinoza." Stanford University. Stanford University, 29 June 2001. Web. 26 Jan. 2014 Frede, Dorothea. "Plato's Ethics: An Overview." Stanford University. Stanford University, 16 Sept. 2003. Web. 26 Jan. 2014. "Cynicism (philosophy)." Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, 15 Jan. 2014. Web. 24 Jan. 2014. "Siddhartha Gautama." Ancient History Encyclopedia. N.p., n.d. Web. 26 Jan. 2014. McInerny, Ralph. "Saint Thomas Aquinas." Stanford University. Stanford Un -
Gaudapada's view
Guadapada believed that we should all serve the gods to the best of our ability. They created us so, in turn we should do all we canto keep them alive in our culture. In his mind, that was te meaning of lfe.