Thomas arrives at a strange place called the Glade. His memory is wiped and the only thing he can remember is his name. He begins his new life in a metal box surrounded by teenage boys who are calling him shank. -
rising action 1
A girl arrives the day after Thomas comes. But she's not alive, the Gladers think she's dead but she was actually in a coma. -
rising action 2
Minho finds a dead Griever. It is rare to find a dead Griever because they are so strong it is almost impossible for them to die. -
rising action 3
Thomas risks his life to go out into the maze with Minho and Alby. He does this because he wanted to save their lives. Plus he survives this terrible night in the maze with Minho and Alby, which no one has ever done before. -
rising action 4
Teresa wakes up and triggers something called the ending. The sky goes grey, there is no sunrise or sunset and freakiest of all the doors don't close so Grievers get in and steal one kid a night. -
rising action 5
Thomas gets stung by a Griever on purpose and goes through the Changing on purpose to get memories back. -
Alby burns down the Map Room but the maps are still safe, the climax is also when they figure out the code to escaping FLOAT BLEED CATCH STIFF PUSH. Later that day a large percentage of the Gladers go out into the Griever Hole and escape.
em are named after famous really smart people because they were told that they were really smart and he and Teresa were forced to help create the maze and do this to each and every Glader. -
Fallin action 1
They meet a lady from WICKED who is holding a boy in a hood who is Gally and then he mumbles something about how they can control him. -
falling action 2
Gally steps forward with a gun right in front of Thomas. Thomas felt like his feet were implanted to the ground like he couldn't move. Just at that moment, Chuck dives in front of Thomas and risks his life for Thomas.