The Box
Thomas wakes up in a metal box with no memories other than his name being Thomas -
Welcome to The Glade
Thomas is helped out of the box and greeted by a group of boys. He meets Alby(The Leader) and Newt(Second in Command). After Alby and Newt Leave,Thomas meets Chuck, the boy who came before him. -
Ben is changing
Thomas and Chuck hear screams coming from the shack in the far corner of The Glade.Thomas goes to investigate,where he has a confrontation with Gally, then sees Ben during "The Changing".Later Thomas learns that every night, the walls surrounding them close -
Thomas meets The Grievers
After Thomas falls asleep at the end of his first day, he realizes that he feels like he has been in the maze before. After sleeping, Thomas is waken by Newt, who brings Thomas across the glade to a small window.While staring out the window,Thomas discovers what the horrible Grievers look like. Newt then explains that the maze is dangerous, and that Thomas should never leave the Glade. -
The Tour Begins
After breakfast,Alby shows up to take Thomas on the tour.Soon after the tour begins,however, an alarm sounds throughout the glade and Alby runs off,leaving Thomas -
The Last one... Ever
Thomas and the other gladers gather around the box, only to find a girl inside; a girl who looks dead. She awakes and says "Everything is going to change". Even more ominous is the note she drops after passing out. It says:"She is the last one...Ever". -
Into the Woods
Once the Med-Jacks carry away the girl, Alby begins questioning Thomas. Although Thomas, like everyone else,has no memory of anything before the Glade, he does feel like he knows the girl somehow. Later,Thomas spots a beetle blade, and follows it into the forest to examine it. -
Ben and Bones
Thomas chases the Beetle Blade through the forest, until he eventually loses it. He then discovers the graveyard, realizing why they call the forest "Deadheads". One grave shows only half of someones bones, with the words "Let this half-shank be a warning to all: You can't escape through the Box Hole" etched into the glass covering. He is the startled to hear a noise, and is then attacked by Ben, the sick boy. -
Ben attacks Thomas with a knife, but Alby stops him by shooting him in the neck with a bow. Later that night, Thomas, who is scarred and shaken, has nightmares about Ben -
A day as a Slicer
Thomas spends the next day working as a slicer. Winston, the keeper, gives him a tour, them puts him to work. After an hour of cleaning up after the animals, he works in the Blood House, watching as Winston happily prepares a pig for eating.As soon as Thomas is finished with his bloody work, he promises himself he will never be a slicer. Later, as he is crossing the Glade, he sees one of the mysterious runners appear.Before Thomas has a chance to say something, the runner collapses on the ground -
A Dead Griever
Thomas calls for help and finds out that the Runner's name is Minho. When Alby comes,Minho explains that he discovered a dead griever. Alby once again turns to Thomas, wondering if he knows something nobody else does. Finally they make plans to check out the griver the next day, and Thomas promises Alby to tell him if anything seems familiar. Thomas goes to take a nap, but is interrupted by Chuck, who informs him that Ben isn't dead -
Ben is banished for attempting to kill Thomas, and Thomas feels like it was his fault . The next morning Thomas finally explains to Newt his desire to be a runner, and Newt promises him to put his name on the list of potentials if Thomas would stop talking about it. During breakfast,Newt,Thomas, and Chuck watch as Minho and Alby go off to examine the dead griever, bringing up the question: "Who killed it?" -
Breaking Rule #1
After working with Zart in the gardens all day, Thomas and Chuck try to comfort Newt, who is worried about the fact that Alby and Minho haven't returned yet. They suggest a search party, but the walls will close soon and no one goes outside the walls at night and survives. Finally just as the walls begin to close, Thomas spots Minho dragging Alby. Thomas knows they won't make it in time, so at the last minute he steps out into the maze and the doors shut. -
Climbing the wall
Minho scolds Thomas for coming out and explains to him repeatedly that they have a 0% chance of survival, but Thomas refuses to lose hope. When they hear the first griever noise, Minho runs off into the maze, leaving Thomas with the unconscious Alby. Thomas decides to tie Alby high up on the wall, out of reach from the grievers. Thomas climbs the wall stopping about 35 feet high. Thats when the griever comes into view. When it reaches the wall underneath him and Alby, it slowly begins to climb. -
Thomas runs away from the griver leading it away from Alby, who is still unconscious. He and Minho find each other and create a plan, leading the grievers off a cliff , but rather than falling they seem to dissapear. Minho and Thomas make their way back to the doors to as the sun rises, meeting the other gladers and saving Alby. They are taken to the homestead to rest, and Alby begins the changing. The keepers decide to have a gathering about Thomas, to determine what to do with him -
Punishment as a reward
Thomas sits through a long, controversial gathering, during which Minho threatens Gally and Gally runs out of the room completely crazed. The end result is that Thomas gets a day in the slammer, then he will begin work as a runner. Once the gathering is over, Chuck tells Thomas that Alby wants to talk to him. Newt comes with Thomas as they head toward Alby's room -
All in your head
Thomas and Newt talk to Alby, and Alby ends up strangling himself when he attempts to tell Thomas where he saw in the changing. Newt realizes that Thomas is special, so he takes him to Teresa's room. She is unconscious, but Thomas hears her voice in his head, talking to him. Thomas, who is terrified, runs out of the room to try and clear her voice out. -
Thomas spends his day in the Slammer, and Chuck brings him food at lunch. Thomas promises Chuck that he will one day get Chuck home to his family. When Thomas is let out, he falls asleep knowing that tomorrow he will be a runner. -
The Ending
Thomas follows Minho through the maze all day. At the end of the day, as he is falling asleep he hears Teresa in his head again, saying "Tom, I just triggered the Endind." The next morning, chaos breaks out. The sky is a blank grey color, no clouds or sun, almost like a ceiling. Thomas and Minho continue into the maze anyway, but they see a griever. They follow the creature and watch as it jumps off the cliff and disappears. -
Night Preparations
Teresa is put in the slammer while everyone else piles into homestead, except for Alby, Who heads to the nap room. When the grievers are right outside, Gally bursts through the door. He screams about the "variables" then throws himself at the grievers, and they devor him then leave. Afterwards, the map room is lit on fire and Alby claims someone smashed his head on the table. -
The Maze is a Code
After Teresa is let out of the jail, Newt reveals the maps were kept safe. They go into the secret room and compare the maps. They realize the maze spells out words. Thomas and the other runners decide to spend the night in the maze, while Teresa and the others work on the code. -
The Changing
After the kid had been taken the grievers begin to retreat and Thomas chases after them, allowing himself to be strung so the he can go through the changing. Thomas wakes up after going through the changing and they hold a gathering, where he explains that in order to get out, they would need to jump through the griever hole. -
The Battle
Newt manages to convince the keepers to go with the plan, and manage to get a group of forty one gladers who are willing to fight. Everyone is given a weapon, then they run off out of the glade. The Gladers run through the maze, eventually stopping and the griever hole, only to find it blocked off by the grivers. Alby sacrifices himself so the others can get through safely, but onve the grievers devoured Alby, they turn to fight the Gladers. -
The battle begins as the Gladers charge into the brawl. Thomas, Teresa, and Chuck make their way through the griever hole where Teresa puts in the code while Thomas fights ff and kills a griever. The Gladers all jump through the griever hole, only to find that twenty one of them survived. They slide down a large chute and find themselves in a dark room. -
Chuck's Death
Thomas and the others watch as a women and a boy appear. when the boy takes of his hood, they realize it's Gally. Gally, who is under control of the creators, throws a knife at Thomas, but Chuck jumps in and saves Thomas, sacrificing himself. Just as the woman begins to speak, people rush in with guns and lead the gladers to a bus, where they run over and insane woman rescuing the Gladers. -
Everyone on the bus is escorted into a large building where they eat and are then sent into a room, except Teresa who is taken somewhere else. The Gladers finally fall asleep in their new home, thinking that all is safe and well.