
la computadora

By isa101
  • 1983 BCE

    Procedimiento en palalelo

    Procedimiento en palalelo
  • 1971 BCE

    Microprocesador 4:g

    Microprocesador 4:g
  • 1965 BCE

    Circuito integrado 3:g

    Circuito integrado 3:g
  • 1958 BCE

    Transitor 2:g

    Transitor 2:g
  • 1951 BCE

    UNIVAC (primera generacion)

    UNIVAC (primera generacion)
  • 1946 BCE

    John Van Newman

    John Van Newman
  • 1944 BCE

    Howard H.Aiken

    Howard H.Aiken
  • 1890 BCE

    Herman Hollerith

    Herman Hollerith
  • 1833 BCE

    Charles Babbage

    Charles Babbage
  • 1642 BCE

    Blaise Pascal

    Blaise Pascal
    invento la palasina que sumaba restaba y guardaba los datos
  • 500

    abaco,fractal de cuentas y oriental

    abaco,fractal de cuentas y oriental
    solo se usaban para sumar y restar
  • The Internet

    The Internet
    the Internet has always been an emerging technology and an emerging ideal. What follows is a selective and developing chronology of some of the most important events in the cultural and technological development of cyberspace of the technological innovation of the internet and its predecessors as well as accompanying consumer and cultural developments. Due to the ongoing nature of the internet