134px mayflower compact bradford

The Mayflower Compact

  • Period: to

    Active Years

    The Mayflower Compact was active until 1691. It was also when Plymouth Colony and Massachusetts Bay Colony came together. This is also when they both worked together after the Mayflower Compact happened
  • Where it was signed/ When it was created

    Where it was signed/ When it was created
    It was was created to establish self-government for English travelers. It was signed at landing at Plymouth Massachusetts.
  • Electing Governors

    Electing Governors
    Plymouth's Colony started to agree and work together. Ten days after the Compact was signed, they elected John Carver as governor. Carver had helped finance the Compact and was the "leader" of the expedition.
  • First Verison

    First Verison
    The original copy of the Mayflower Compact doesn't exists anymore, but there have been many versions. The first version was written by Edward Winslow. This was written in a booklet and this version was called, "Mourt's Relations"
  • Second Version

    Second Version
    The second version is about the Plymouth's Plantation. This version was written by William Bradford and it was called, "of Plymouth Plantations."
  • Third Version

    The third version was written by Nathaniel Morton. This version was written about the 41 men that signed the Mayflower Compact and what they did on the expedition.