The Massachusetts Colony

  • The Pilgrims landed in Plymouth, Massachusetts.

    The The Pilgrims land in Massachusetts and found the first permanent town at Plymouth.
  • Period: to

    From Massachusetts was founded to Decleration of Independence

  • The Pilgrims and the Indians have the first famous Thanksgiving in 1621.

    The Pilgrims have their first famous Thanksgiving with the Indians whch started Thanksgiving.
  • John Winthrop and his Puritans founded Massachusetts for Religious Freedoms.

    John Winthrop found Massachusetts after leving the Isle of Wight.
  • The English Puritans founded the town of Boston, Massachusetts.

  • The Massachusetts Colony's first college was founded, Harvard.

    Massachusetts's first college, Harvard, was founded.
  • The colony's first library is established at Harvard.

    2 years after Harvard was established, the colony's first library was established.
  • Benjamin Franklin is born.

    Writer and editor of the Declaration of Independence,Benjamin Franklin, is born in Boston, Massachusetts.
  • John Adams is born in Massachusetts.

    John Adams, future 2nd president of the United States of America, is born.
  • Boston Massacre takes place Boston, Massachusetts

    Five Americans were killed by British soldiers in the Boston Massacre.
  • The Boston Tea Party occurs in Boston, Massachusetts.

    Colonists protest against the Tea Act by throwing the tea off a British ship in the ocean.
  • Parliement passes the Coercive Act.

    Parliement passes the Coercive Act, which closes down Boston's ports as a punishment for the Boston Tea Party.
  • Paul Revere's Midnightride

    Paul Revere rides to Lexington to warn the colonists that the Britains were coming.
  • Battle of Lexington and Concord

    70 Massachusetts militiamen battle 700 British soldiers at the Battle of Lexington and Concord in the Massachusetts providence, declaring the Revolutionary War.
  • Britain surrenders

    Britain forces surrender when American troops and French ship trap General Cornwallis in Yorktown
  • Treaty of Paris

    The United States and Britain sign the treaty of Paris.