Rocket Summer
A rocket was launched in Ohio in winter but the fire of the reactors made winter become summer. -
Ylla and her husband were living on Mars when Ylla had dreams that Captain Nathaniel York was coming from Earth to Mars with his assistant but when they arrived to Mars, Mr k went out and killed the Earth Men. -
The Earth Men
After the first unsuccessful try, Captain Williams was sent to Mars with three other Earth Men. When they said to the Martians that they were coming from Earth, the Martians thought that they were crazy so they sent them to an asylum. Then, they were killed by a psychologist named MrXxx because he thought that they were creating illusions in his head which was the cause why he was seeing a rocket. -
Summer Night
On Mars, musicians were playing when a singer started to sing an American song but the Martians didn't know what was the language of the song.The singer didn't know where she learned this song. -
The Taxpayer
An Earth Man wanted to go to Mars because he thought a big atomic war was coming. He saw the astronauts going to the rocket. Unfortunately, other people started to drag him to a police wagon. -
The third expedition
After the second expedition, Captain John Black came to Mars with sixteen other Earth Men. When they came out of their new ship they saw similarities in the Martians city with Earth cities. The members of the crew started to encounter members of their family in the city so they decided to stay with them but it was a trap, they were fake members of their family who killed them during the night. -
And The Moon Be Still As Bright
The Earth Men landed next to a dead Martian city. They decided to settle a camp next to the rocket for a night and Hathaway found out that chicken-pox killed all the Martians. The crew decided to explore the city but when they went back to the camp, Spender deserted the crew. Then, he killed members of the crew because he was crazy. The captain and other members of the crew decided to follow and try to reason him but unsuccessfully the captain didn't succeed so the other members killed him. -
The Settlers
The first pionners from Earth began to settle on Mars. They were lonely at the beginning. -
The Green Morning
After the creation of the first American colony on Mars, someone named Benjamin Driscoll arrived on the red Planet and had problems to breath because the air was thin so he decided to plant trees everywhere to make new air. He started planting seeds all over the planet and one day it began to rain and the next morning the trees began to grown up. -
The Locusts
The pioneers from Earth started to build houses on Mars -
Night Meeting
One night, someone named Tomas Gomez met an old man at a filling station. Tomas was going to a party. They spoke together and the old man said that he didn't want Mars to be like Earth with wars and destruction. Later on in the night, Tomas met a Martian who could not touch him and his car and Tomas could not touch the martian and his vehicle. The Martian was going to a festival in a town that looks deserted and ruined to Gomez. They were both ghosts. Finally they went to their assigned party. -
The Shore
The colonization on Mars continued to expand and the first woman arrived. But only Americans could go to Mars because the rockets were Americans and the other countries began to make war with The United States Of America. -
The Fire Balloons
Father Peregrine and Father Stone wanted to convert people to christianize so they started praying and suddenly Martians in the forms of spheres of blue fire appeared in the sky. When they saw the spheres, father Stone thought that the spheres were souls of dead Martians so they started building a church for them. When the spheres went back and saw the church for them, they said to father Peregrine that they appreciated them building the church but unfortunately, they didn't need a church. -
Earth Men brang wood to Mars and started to build wooden houses and towns. -
The Musicians
Boys were hiking on Mars when they reached a desert Martian town. They entered a Martian house and began to play music with the bones of the dead Martians but the firemen were coming to burn all the Martian bodies. -
Way Up In The Middle Of The Air
On the porch of a door, Samuel Teece, a man who wanted to boss people and an other man were speaking about the black men who were going to Mars. Samuel's wife was angry because her servant Lucinda was going to Mars. Samuel wanted to keep his last servant, Silly but other white men convinced Samuel to let Silly go so Silly went to town with a car by saying to Samuel what he would do this night. Samuel began angry and tried to catch Silly but he failed because of a trafic jam. -
The Naming Of Names
The lands on Mars began to be named with names of the first pioneers who came to Mars. -
The Old Ones
People started to come to Mars for holidays. -
The Martian(Start of the description because there are not enough space) Lafe and Anna LaFarge are a couple who lived on Mars to forget their dead son, tom.
One day, they found someone who looked like Tom outside, so they decided to accept him as a new son. He was a Martian who could use telepathy to change appearance from someone to a death member of the family closer to him so when Tom came closer to Spaulding family, he changed his appearance in the dead daughter of the family named Lavinia. However, Anna decided to seal back Tom. Unfortunately, when Tom left LaFarge's house and went to town he changed too much his appearance so he died. -
The Luggage Store
Father Peregrine came to a luggage store owner and they spoke about the atomic war and said that people on Mars would go to Earth again because it was their home. -
The Off Season
Sam Parkhill, a member of the fourth expedition and his wife had opened an hot dog stand in a Martian town but suddenly, a Martian came to the stand so Sam panicked and shooted him. He and his wife jumped in their Martian sand ship because another Martian's ships started to chase them. The Martians finally catch them up and said that they wanted to give him half of planet Mars. Sam accepted even if he killed one of the Martians. -
The Watchers
People on Mars are watching all the Atomic explosions all over Earth. Then, they heard by radio that the survivors on Earth wanted them to "COME HOME" so people on Mars started to go out to go home on Earth. -
The Silent Towns
Walter Gripp is the last man on Mars. He didn't come back to Earth because he was an isolated miner and he didn't see all the rockets came back to Earth. He heard the phone ringing and it was the last woman on Mars named Genevieve Selsor. Then, they decided to live together because they were the last woman and last man on Mars. But when he arrived and saw that she was always eating chocolate and watching annoying movies, he moved to another city. -
The Long Years ( Start of the description) Hathaway, another member of the fourth expedition lived on Mars with his family.
They missed the rockets which went back to Earth.One day, a rocket came back from Jupiter with Captain Wilder and his crew who went to explore the blue planet. They went back to Mars 20 years later. Then, a member of his crew discover the tombs of all the members of Hathaway's family in a cemetery so Hathaway had a heart attack. Captain Wilder and his crew went back to Earth after realizing that all other members of Hathaway's family were robots. -
There will Come Soft Rains
On Earth, during the morning, we saw an automated house doing all usual stuff during the morning like breakfast even if all inhabitants of Earth are dead. A fire began in the house but the house could not contain it so the fire burned all the house. -
The Million-Year Picnic
A family arrived on Mars and was searching for somewhere to set up. They were also waiting for another family to come. The boy asked his father where were the Martians so his father responded that they must watched the reflexion of them in the water because they were the Martians.