Marcos legal feed

The Marcos Era

  • Marcos elected President

    Marcos elected President
    The Filipinos elected Marcos as president of the Philippines for his first term. The citizens of the Philippines were feeling hopeful due to the convincing and uplifting campaigning that Ferdinand and Imelda Marcos were doing.
  • Marcos Re-election

    Marcos Re-election
    Ferdinand Marcos was elected as president once again, though this caused a controversy, as many speculated that it was a fraudulent election.
  • Period: to

    First Quarter Storm

    The First Quarter Storm is the time period that consisted of many protests and rallies led by student activists. It is called the First Quarter Storm due to the time period it took place in--January to March 1970, or the first quarter of the year.
  • Battle of Mendiola

    Battle of Mendiola
    The Battle of Mendiola was the event where protesters attempted to break into Malacañang Palace, where President Marcos resided. The government sent a firetruck to spray the group with water from a firetruck, however the protesters were able to hijack the truck and successfully break the gates to Malacañang palace. After a few seconds, security started shooting. This resulted in the death of 4 students.
  • First Constitutional Convention

    First Constitutional Convention
    In order to extend his reign of power, Marcos proposed the idea of switching to a parliamentary system to the Filipinos. This, however was declined, which would lead Marcos to hols another Constitutional Convention in 1973.
  • Bombing in Plaza Miranda

    Bombing in Plaza Miranda
    Three grenades were thrown onto the stage of Plaza Miranda. As a response to this, Marcos implied habeas corpus, literally translating to "you shall have the body." This meant that Marcos was allowed to arrest anyone without trial or charges.
  • Declaration of Martial Law

    Declaration of Martial Law
    Marcos declares Martial Law on the Philippines, including a curfew and the suspension of habeas corpus. Additionally, FM declared Martial Law on the 21st, however it was declared on the 23rd.
  • Arrest of Ninoy Aquino and Other Senators

    Arrest of Ninoy Aquino and Other Senators
    On the same day that Pres. Marcos declared Martial Law, Ninoy Aquino was arrested alon with Sen. Jose Diokno, as they were opposing the presidency of Ferdinand Marcos
  • Constitutional Convention

    Constitutional Convention
    Because Marcos did not win the first time, he held another Constitutional Convention. This time, the idea of switching from a presidential system to a parliamentary system was ratified, elongating Ferdinand Marcos' reign of power.
  • LABAN Party Founding

    LABAN Party Founding
    When the main opposition to Marcos was formed in 1978, the Filipinos had someone to vote for instead of KBL.
  • Noise Barrage

    Noise Barrage
    In order to oppose the inevitable win of KBL (through fraud votes), Filipinos gathered in support of LABAN and made loud noise until dawn a day before the elections took place.
  • Aquino Heart Attack/Sent to US

    Aquino Heart Attack/Sent to US
    While in a solitary cell, Aquino suffered from a heart attack. He was transferred to the Philippine Heart Center.
  • Marcos elections (1981), boycotted by opposition

    Marcos elections (1981), boycotted by opposition
    In the 1981, UNIDO boycotted the presidential elections due to the expected fraudulent in the votes.
  • Aquino Assasination

    Aquino Assasination
    When Aquino was returning to the Philippines from the USA, as he was exiting the airplane, someone shot him in the head and he died.
  • Confetti Revotlution

    Confetti Revotlution
    Following the death of Ninoy Aquino, a new form of revolution was made. This was when confetti in the color yellow (the color of the laban party) was thrown. Many people joined in this form of protest.
  • Marcos calls for snap elections (1985)

    Marcos calls for snap elections (1985)
    Following the criticism of an American reporter, Marcos decided to hold snap elections where he would go against Cory Aquino, which would eventually be the demise of his reign of power.
  • EDSA Uprising (Filipinos on EDSA)

    EDSA Uprising (Filipinos on EDSA)
    This is when Filipinos walked on EDSA in protest of Pres. Marcos. This was a revolutionary step, as instead of violent protests and riots, the Filipinos created a peaceful movement in order to make change.
  • Marcos flees (1986)

    Marcos flees (1986)
    As a result of the EDSA Revolution, the Marcos Family was forced to flee Malancañang Place. They fled to Hawaii where they resided until Ferdinand Marcos' death.
  • Ramos & Enrile defect

    Ramos & Enrile defect
    Fidel Ramos and Juan Ponce Enrile defect from Marcos' side and join the People Power Revolution. They were some of Marcos' most trusted men, and losing them had a great effect on the strength of Marcos.