The Maque of the Red Death

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    The mask of the red death has been in the country for many years

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    Everybody was afraid,except prince Propeo

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    One day he decided to invite his friends to stay with him n one of his castles

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    It was a really weird castle. It had 7 rooms, one of a different, most of them were bright colors, except one, the black one. No one want to enter there, it was really scary. Specially the clock, a large black clock, that when it sound all stay quite.

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    They stay there a lot of time, and in the end of the six month the Prince gave a masked ball for his friends.

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    At midnight, after the clock sound some people noticed a stranger. They thougth it was a mask but after some time they noticed that it was the red death.

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    When Prince Prospero noticed the stranger he started to follow him, they were in the blue room and they finished in the black one.

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    Suddenly the stranger look at the prince. There was a loud cry and the dead body fall to the floor

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    A crowd of people ran in to the room an hold of the masked stranger. They pulled away the clothes and the mask, but then they found nothing inside the clothes.

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    And now each person understood, The Red Death was in the castle, and then one by one all people there die.