The Maori king Movement

  • 1840

    66 million acres of land in Maori ownership
  • 1840

    2000 Pakeha and perhaps 70,000 Māori lived permanently in New Zealand
  • 1842

  • 1844

  • 1846

  • 1848

  • 1850

    More than 10,000 Pakeha in New Zealand
  • 1852

    34 million acres of land in Maori ownership
  • 1852

    The New Zealand Constitution Act gave voting rights only to adult males. They also had to have land or property under individual ownership to qualify
  • 1852

    Tāmihana Te Rauparaha Son of Ngāti Toa chief, met Queen Victoria in England
  • 1854

    First New Zealand parliament and Governor-general sits
  • 1856

  • 1858

    Almost 60,000 Pakeha in NZ
  • 1858

    Potatau Te Wherowhero became King
  • 1858

    Pākehā permanent settlers outnumbered Māori
  • 1860

    21 million acres of land in Maori ownership
  • 1860

    Potatau Te Wherowhero died. His son, Tawhiao took over. He reigned until 1894