The Manitoba Act

By Afrah
  • Rupert’s land sold by Hudson Bay company

    The land was sold to the Domination of Canada without the knowledge of the Indigenous and Métis.
  • Métis National Committee formed

    Red River Métis wanted an independent republic to represent them, Métis National Committee was formed. John Bruce was elected as the President and Louie Riel as secretary.
  • Upper Fort Garry seized

    120 men seized Upper Fort Garry
  • A provincial government formed French’s and English Métis speakers.

  • Entry of Manitoba and List of Rights was drafted

    The provincial government Led by Louis Riel, that negotiated Manitoba's entry into the Canadian Confederation And drafted the for second List of Rights before the Manitoba act, by 20 English and French speaking Métis.
  • Thomas Scott arrested and executed

    He believed that the Red River Colony should be led by English Protestants and the not the current Provisional Government led by Louis Riel. He was arrested due his actions and was executed by the firing squad.
  • Louis Riel was executed

    He was arrested during the Northwest Resistance and convicted of treason and eventually executed, however some believed that his death was linked to Thomas Scott's execution.
  • The Manitoba Act

    It passed by the Parliament of Canada and received Royal Assent
  • Manitoba act (official)

    Manitoba joined the Confederation of Canada as the fifth province
  • 1.4 million acres of land granted to Métis.

    Also were called “the children of half breed”
  • Louis Riel as the founder of Manitoba.

    Ottawa officially recognizing Louis Riel as the founder of Manitoba, after 120 years. His hard work and dedication was finally appreciated.