Letter Delivered to FDR
A letter was Delievered to FDR outlining the threat of nuclear weapons. -
Period: to
Critical analysis of Fission made by Frisch and Rudolf Peierls
Two scientists theorized much about fission -
S-1 Project Started
The first US project with the intent of investigating Nuclear weapons is started -
Project is organized under the Manhattan Engineer District
The project was organized more througholy than before. This made bomb development much more centralized. -
Col. Leslie Groves appointed to head the program
Colenel Groves, an expericened leader, who didn't even want control of the program is appointed to head up the Manhattan Project -
1250 Tons of high quality Uranium purchased
Immidiately after he took control of the program he purchased 1250 tons of Uranium that had been stored on Staten Island. -
Purchase of Oak Ridge
The main project site, which became known as Oak Ridge, was purchased. It was 52,000 acres. -
Goves Promoted to Brigadeer General
Because of his work in the Manhattan project Goves was promoted to a Brigadeer general very quickly. -
Highest Procurement Priority(AAA) given to the Project
Within two weeks of being given control of the program he solved problems that were going on for months. -
Robert Oppenheimer Brought on to lead project Y
Los Alamos, New Mexico selected for project Y
CP-1 Up and Running
The first nuclear reactor went up and running for the first time and was allowed to reach a thermal output of 0.5 watts. -
Groves Purchases More Land
More Land was purchased for Plutonium production and separation. -
Period: to
Work Continues
Work on refinement of Uranium and Production of Plutonium continued. A new recator was built to produce Plutonium in research quantities. Also gun-type weapons were heavily reasearched.Also the project known as Alberta began researching combat delivery. -
Period: to
Major Problems Surface
Problems with the Gas Diffusion method of separating Uranium were discovered. Abelson Leaked some info to Oppenheimer to help him out with his problems. -
Groves Orders construction of S-50
S-50, a liquid thermal diffusion plant is built to feed the Y-12 Electromagnetic plant. -
Period: to
Many Problems
Minimal production of Uranium was hapening. The only workable bomb type needed U-235 which, at the time, was impossible to purify. -
Plutonium Production Problems
The reactor meant to produce plutonium inexplicably shut down and then restarted on its own the next day. It was found that Xenon-135 poisoning was to blame. Modifications were made to stop this from happening. -
Plans for a Test Approved
A test was planned and approved by Oppenheimer and Groves. -
Little Boy ready for Use
Except for it Uranium core, which was estimated to be completed on April 1st, the worlds first atomic bomb was complete. -
First Atomic Detonation
The "Gadget" bomb was detonated at the trinity test. At the end of this experiment Oppenheimer was quoted, being amazed at the power of the bomb, saying, "I am become death, the destroyer of worlds." The explosion was so powerful it vaporized the steel tower the bomb was housed on.