Splitting the Atom
The Atom is split by John Crockcroft and E.T.S. Walton of Great Britain thereby proving Einstein's Theory of Relativity -
Nuclear Fission
The first Nuclear Fission is announced by Lise Meitner and Otto Frisch -
Nuclear Fission
Robert Oppenheimer realized the military possibilities of nuclear fission -
Einstein writes to President Franklin Roosevelt
Einstein wrote too Roosevelt about the use of Uranium as a new source of energy leading to the formation of the Committee on Uranium -
World War II Begins -
Plutonium is discovered by Glenn Seaborg -
FDR Nuclear Development
FDR gives the go ahead for the development of an Atomic Weapon -
Little Boy
A Uranium bomb, detonated over Hiroshima,Japan and killed between 90,000 and 100,000 people immediately -
Fat Man
The second atomic bomb to hit japan, Fat Man, was scheduled to be dropped at Kokura. However, because of poor weather the target was moved to Nagasaki -
U.S. Drops Warning
The U.S. drops warning leaflets concerning another atomic bomb on Nagasaki, the day after the bomb was dropped -
Japan announces its formal surrender