The Making of the Modern World

  • Encylopedia

    The "Encyclopedia" which was published by Diderot.
    Diderot was born on the 15th of October 1713.
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    Governor Lachlan Maquarie

    Lachlan Maquarie became governor in 1810 when
    His plan as governor was to try and get the Indigenous Australians civilised. He tried to get them to act and dress the way that the British did.
    In 1814 he set up a school for Aboriginal children, which had dormitories, which was built to try and 'educate them.
    He also attempted to enforce the Hierarchical System which made special Aboriginal people kings or leaders of their tribe.
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    The Enlightenment

    A movement of the late 17th and early 18th century that believed in reasonm (logic) and individualism rather than tradition
    Reason, Individualism, Republicanism, Humanism and Secularism
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    Mathew Flinders

    Mathew Flinders Biography: Mathew Flinders was the first person to circumnavigate around Australia and identify it as a continent. Mathew Flinders was sent out to Australia to navigate it and thats what he did. The effect of Flinders navigating Australia is that future explorers and other people that came to Australia had a map and knew where everyting was.
  • First Fleet

    Convicts were being transported to Australia because Gaols in Britain were overflowing.
    The First Fleet arrived in Australia on the 26th of January, 1788 (which happens to be Australia Day) in Botany Bay (Sydney)
    Convicts were put on large sailing boats with a heap of supplies to last them on their journey.
    Life on the boat wasn't very nice. it was crowded, unhygenic and dark. The effect of The First Fleet was that Australia started to become a proper country.
  • Second Fleet

    The Second Fleet was the boats that came to Australia 2 years after the First Fleet arrived safely. Unlike the first fleet, the second had poor living conditions whihc made everyone on the boat sick. One of the boats that wee part of the fleet was wrecked and didnt make the journey. The Second Fleet occured because more convicts needed to be moved to Australia and the First Fleet was a success. The effect after the Second Fleet was the Third Fleet coming to Australia to bring more convicts.
  • Free Settlers

    Free Settlers mostly went to South Australia.
    Once omost of the convicts had landed in Australia free settlers wer allowed in.
    Free settlers had to fund their own way to Australia but were moslty quite rich anyway.
    Australia needed more women and skilled workers to come to Autsralia because there watn enough.
  • Squatters

    Squaters are people that take up residence without legal claim.
    Sqautters are people who take up residense in abonded or disused places that do not belong to them.
    The governemnt made a rule saying that people other than squatters could claim land. These people were called selectors. The squatters wernt happy about what happened because they couldnt get more or better land.
    Selectors, not knowing how to farm, left their land which allowed land more land for the squatters again.
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    The Gold Rush

    Gold was found in NSW in 1851 which started the Gold Rush. People from England wanted to come to Australia because they thought there was an oportunity for them to find gold and get really rich.The gold rush occured because people had found lots of gold and told other people, then the word got around. The effect on this ws lots of people moving to Australia to fin gold and then boosting the economy.
  • Convict transportation to Australia ends

    Convict Transportation ended with New South Wales first in 1840. By then 150'000 convicts had been transported.
    Western Australia was the last state to gain convicts with it finishing in 1868. In the end 160'500 convicts had been sent, of whom 24'700 of them were women. This occured beacause the the people in charge of Australia did not want any more people coming. The effect on this was that Australia had become a country with lots of people living there.
  • Federation of Australia

    The Federation fo Australia was when all the colonies in Australia to become one whole nation. The Federation happened to become one nation, improve defence and stop colonies arguing. Edmund Barton was AUstralia first Prime MInister. Ana effect of this was that Australia become one nation. Australia was ruled by one government and had their own army.
  • Arhcduke Franz Ferdinand gets Assassinated

    Archduke Franz Ferdinand Assassinated

    The Archduke of Austria, Franz Ferdinand was Assassinated by a group of Servian Nationalist called the Black Hand. Although some say that this was the min event that caused WW1 it was really more of a spark.
  • Austro-Hungarian Empire declares war on Serbia

    Shortly after the assassination of Ferdinand, the Austro Hungarian Empire Declared war on serbia which was thought to be a short war. This is when the World War 1 started and which brought in all the other countries in the world. The event occured because Ferdinand was assassinated. The effect of this event was World War One starting.
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    World War 1

    World War 1 was so important in the making of the modern world because it was the first World War. War started one month after Archduke Franz Ferdinand was assassinated. It lasted just over four years and many people lost their lives fighting for their country. I could not imagine how much different life on Earth would be without this major war. After the war was over almost every family found it hard t live with enough money to keep them going.
  • The ANZACs surrendered in Gallipoli

    Anzacs Story: The ANZACs surrendered in Gallipoli to Turkey. This day is also called ANZAC Day and is recognized in lots of differnt countries that were involved including Australia, New Zealand, France, Germany and Turkey. This battle occured because Britain called in Autsralia and New Zealand to help defeat Germany. This was the most major war that Australia fought in in World War 1. The effect aftet the
  • Push and Pull Factors

    Push and Pull factors play a really important role when people move houses, states and even countries.
    Free settlers that are moving from Britain to Australia would have definately looked at the push and pull factors. Some of the pull factors would be that there would a lot more food and money in Australia and that they might want a fresh start there. Push factors include no work left in Britain and not much money or food.