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The Making of the Modern Age

  • James Watt invents the Steam Engine

    James Watt invents the Steam Engine
    James Watt was a Scottish engineer who invented the first pracitcal steam engine. In Watt's time the people burnt large amounts of coal and only produced small amounts of energy. The steam engine is still used today.
  • The American Revolution

    The American Revolution
    The British authorities were at their highest when the American colonies rebelled against them. The British expected the americans to obey their parliament. This resulted in a military showdown.
  • The First Fleet

    The First Fleet
    The First Fleet arrives in Botany Bay, beggining British settlement in Australia.The boats are filled with convicts, guards, livestock, spices and goods.
  • The Storming of the Bastille

    The Storming of the Bastille
    With the change of bread prices the people of France could not live so they rebelled against Louis III. The citezens of Paris storm the Batille, the jail of Paris. The storming of the Bastille is the start of the French Revolution
  • Alessandro Volta invents the Voltaic Pile

    Alessandro Volta invents the Voltaic Pile
    Alessandro makes energy out of copper, zinc and a acidic vinegear. The battery stores engery in units of 'volts' named after him.
  • Slaves Banned

    Slaves Banned
    The importation of African slaves is banned in the USA. African had been enslaved by the Americans for two centuries.
  • Luddites Attack

    Luddites Attack
    Textile workers smash machinery in factories and mills in the midlands and north of England because they think it will take their jobs away from them.
  • Faraday's Electric Motor

    Faraday's Electric Motor
    Michael Faraday demonstrates the principle of an electric motor. The motor doesn't resemble an electric motor in this age. This motor just demonstrated the energy to motion principles.
  • The Thames Tunnel

    The Thames Tunnel
    Isambard Brunel starts building a tunnel under the Thames River; work is completed in 1842.
  • Stephenson builds Railway

    Stephenson builds Railway
    George Stephonson builds the first passenger railway between Liverpool and Manchester. Stephonson uses Watts steam engine to power 52 km across America.
  • Britain demands voting age to be lowered to 21

    Britain demands voting age to be lowered to 21
    Publication of the People's Charter in Britain demanding political reform, including the right to vote for every man to vote from the age of 21
  • The Irish Potato Famine

    The Irish Potato Famine
    Families were evicted from their houses because they were not able to pay the rent. The failed potato crop due to the potato blight which gave them no money.
  • Gold Rush in Australia

    Gold Rush in Australia
    Edward Hargraves discovered gold near Bathurst which triggers a gold rush. People came from far and wide to test their luck in the minefields.
  • Convict Transportation to Australia

    Convict Transportation to Australia
    Convict transportation to Australia ceases with the last shipment of convicts disembarking in Western Australia. 163, 021 convicts were sent to Australia.
  • Bell invents the Telephone

    Bell invents the Telephone
    Alexander Graham Bell invents the 'acoustic telegraph' or telephone. Throughout his life Bell had been interested in helping deaf people.
  • Federation of Australia

    Federation of Australia
    On this day the six colonies of New South Wales, Queensland, South Australia, Tasmania, Victoria and Western Australia form one nation.
  • Wright Bros. Archeive Flight

    Wright Bros. Archeive Flight
    Brothers Wilbur and Orville Wright achieve the first controlled, powered, man carrying flight.
  • First Automobile

    First Automobile
    On this day Henry Ford produced his first Ford Model T automobile. The car had two forward gears, a twenty horsepower engine and no driver doors.
  • Titanic Sinks

    Titanic Sinks
    On this day the world's largest passaenger steamship, the Titanic, hits an iceberg in the north-west Atlantic Ocean and sinks; 1517 people die.
  • Period: to

    World War I

    World War I started when Britain and Germany went to war in 1914. But Britain asked for support and got it from many countries including Australia.