The making of a nation

  • 1492

    Columbus discovery

    Columbus discovery
    Columbus discovery of America.
  • European colonists

    European colonists
    European colonists began to arrive, mostly from England.
  • 13 British Colonies

    13 British Colonies
    13 British Colonies on the northeastern seaboard. Colonists came for many reasons, to practice their religion freely or to take advantage of the opportunities the empty continent presented.
  • Revolutionary War

    Revolutionary War
    the Founding Fathers came together to draft the Declaration of Independence.
  • The American Dream

    The American Dream
    Thomas Jefferson wrote in 1776 that Americans were born with the unalienable rights to "life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness."
  • Declaration of Independence of the United States

    Declaration of Independence of the United States
    the guideline for the Constitution of 1787.
  • The Bill of Rights

    The Bill of Rights
    The Bill of Rights guaranteed religious freedom and freedom of speech as well as equal rights and opportunities for all American citizens regardless of class or background.
  • Slavery was abolished.

    Slavery was abolished.
    After the civil war, slavery was finally abolished.
  • The peak periods of immigration

    The peak periods of immigration
    The peak periods of immigration came after the failed revolution in 1848.
  • American women fight for their rights

    American women fight for their rights
    American women had to fight for their rights, not gaining their right to vote until 1920.
  • Civil Right Movements

    Civil Right Movements
    Civil Rights movements achieve rights for the descendants of those freed slaves.
  • change in the immigration law

    change in the immigration law
    A change in the immigration law led to more non-Europeans entering their country.