13,000 BCE
Bing Bang
Sometime between 13 and 20 billion years ago. The center of the Universe. The Big Bang probably occurred. -
280 BCE
Aristarchus suggests the Earth revolves around the Sun.
He provides first estimation of Earth-Sun distance. -
240 BCE
Eratosthenes measures the circumference of the earth with surprising accuracy!
130 BCE
Hipparchus develops the first acccurate star map and star catalogue with over 850 of the brightest stars.
Ptolemy suggests geocentric theory of the universe
Sep 13, 1543
Copernicus publishes his heliocentric theory of the Universe.
Galileo uses telescope for astronomical purposes
He discovers 4 Jovian moons, the Moon's craters and the Milky Way galaxy. -
Kepler's First and Second Laws of Planetary Motions are announced.
The Third Law of Planetary Motion is announced by Kepler in his work Harmonice Mundi
Christian Huygens discovers Saturn's rings and Titan, the fourth satellite of Saturn.
The discovery of Uranus by Herschel
Piazzi discovers first asteroid, Ceres.
First object to orbit the Earth, launched by the Russians. -
U.S.A. Explorer 1 launched
This was the first U.S. satellite to orbit the Earth. -
Yuri Gagarin becomes the first man in space!