John J Pershing
general in the united states military nick named "black jack" and also created the AEF -
Warren G. Harding’s “Return to Normalcy”
-29th persident of the united states
-created the TeaPot Dome
-supported rights of women and minorities -
Glenn Curtiss
-first person to fly a publicly viewed flight
-manufactured airplanes
-built the largest fleet during WWI -
Franklin D Roosevelt
-Created New Deal
-32nd president
-helped american people regain faith in themselves during the
Great Depression -
Marcus Garvey
advocated racial pride and supported a back-to-africa movement for African Americans -
Alvin York
most decorated soldier in WWI nicknamed "Sergeant York" -
Dorothea Lange
-infulential writer best known for her depression era work
-created "Migrant Mother" photograph
-awarded the Guggenheim Fellowship -
Langston Hughes
American poet and formed the new writing style called "jazz poetry" -
Charles Lindbergh
-first non-stop flyer across the atlantic ocean -
The Great Migration
-movement of african americans who lost their jobs in the south and followed the promise of jobs in the north -
Sussex Pledge
The German military vowed not to torpedo US warships unless they were armed however this pledge was broken -
Battle of Argone Forest
-final battle of the first world war
-attacked by the triple entante -
Treaty of Versailles
-eneded the first world war
-signed in paris france
-state of war between Germany and the Allied Powers -
The Great Depression
- economic depression in the decade preceding World War II -stock market crash -Dust Bowl -unemployment
The Dust Bowl
-result of severe drought
-led to mass exodus of farmers from the Great Plains
-reduction of crops and farmed goods -
Harlem Renaissance
- artistic and social revolution -occured in harlem -expanded to the rest of the country in the 1930s
New Deal
-Created by FDR
-consisted of relief, reform, and recovery
-banking crisis, unemployment and restoring the economy were the main focus
-created in roosevelts first hundred days -
jazz music
-created at the height of the great depression
- new type of music -
Red Scare
-fear of communists and anarchists and immigrants
-after the end of WWI
-led to Palmer Raids