Period: to
The cro letters -
Period: to
John White leaves Plymouth for Virginia without the planters nor the expected supplies. -
Period: to
The Ships Sank
Both shallops sink during the night further to a carelessness of the vigil crew. -
Anchors Away!
The fleet anchors in the island of Mogador where it retrieves by the way the Moonlight, a 80-ton pinnace of London captained by Edward Spicer. -
In stopover at Santa Cruz, they meet English ships captains of which hand over two shallops that will replace those lost a few days earlier. -
The Chase!
They chase after a flyboat off Canary Islands and loot it. Some men are killed during the collision. -
Rain Rain RAIN!!!!!
Having followed Florida, the expedition reaches the coast of North Carolina. A strong gale and rain strike the ships. -
Finally here!!!!!!!
the ships cast anchor in the morning at the northeast end of Croatoan Island. -
Alive Still????
White and the relief expedition anchor at Hatoraske. They observe a trail of smoke rising from the island of Roanoke, what they consider as the sign that the settlers are still alive. -
Mysterious smoke??
White sails to Roanoke with two boats and a company of crewmen commanded by Captain Cocke and Captaine Spicer, intending to land near the village where the settlers are supposed to live. It is agreed to fire shots at regular intervals to warn their people of their arrival. They search the area without finding anything until they see another smoke rising in the sky, southwest of Kindrikers Mounts. Thinking that it is a new sign, they decide to go in this direction. -
White and his company land at dawn in the place where they had seen the fire but find only grass and pieces of wood ending up to be consumed. Thence, they cross thickets to the side of the island facing the village of Dasamonquepeuc and leave by the shore towards the northern end of the island, where the colony was settled. They see nothing interesting on the way, except footprints left during the night by two or three natives. -
The colonists get back and try to make noise.But no answer no people.They walk the island looking for a sign for where they went.Finally he found a palisade that said CRO.There was not a cross just the three letters CRO. -
The people of now find new evidence that the Dare stones are leading SW.That is all we know!