Period: to
The Longest War
JFK orders help for Vietnam
The president of the United States at the time, John F. Kennedy, ordered to send help over to South Vietnam in order to fight off the Guerrillas (The Vietcom). He asked to send over new equipment and over 3,000 military advisors and support personnel. -
Agent Orange
US planes sprayed "Agent Orange" an herbicide containing the deadly chemical Dioxin across forests containing vietcom bases, crops and trail. This ruined the lives of many both long and short term. -
Gulf of Tonkin
South Vietnamese commandos attacked two small North Vietnamese islands in the Gulf of Tonkin. The U.S. destroyer Maddox, an electronic spy ship, was 123 miles south with orders to electronically simulate an air attack to draw North Vietnamese boats away from the commandos. -
Rolling Thunder
President Johnson authorized an operation know as 'Rolling Thunder', a limited but long lasting bombing offensive. The goal was to force North Vietnam to stop supporting Vietcong in the South. -
Air Attacks
The American airforce attacked North Vietnam's airfields, the attacks inflict heavy damage on runways and installations. The goal was to destroy bases and or military headquarters. -
The Massacre of My Lai
During a search and distroy mission, soldiers entered the village with extreme anger and disappointment. United States soldier tortured, raped and killed innocent, unarmed people. These were not only men, but also women and children.