The Littlest Refugee

By E.H.M
  • Period: to

    When Ahn is playing with his cousins

    Crazy and Poor
  • Period: to

    The Vietnam war

    Fighting and Sad
  • Period: to

    After they board the boat in Vietnam.

    Happy and Sad
  • Period: to

    After the pirates attack the boat.

    Worried and hope
  • Period: to

    when they arrive in Australia

    Kind Caring
  • Period: to

    When AHN parents start a sewing business

    Chance and hard
  • Period: to

    When the sewing machines are stoled

    Evil Misarble
  • Period: to

    After AHN meets Angus

    Chance Kind
  • Period: to

    When AHN is awarded as Class Captain

    Proud Worthy
  • Period: to

    At the very end of the book

    Hope and Happy