• Mrs.Dodds attacks.

    Mrs.Dodds attacks.
    Mrs.Dodds attacks Percy after pushing nancy in the waterfoughten.
  • The three old lades.

    The three old lades.
    Grover and Percy see 3 old lades kniting socks and cutting yarn on the way home.
  • Grover shows up in a storm.

    Grover unexpectidly shows up at the beach in a storm.
  • A minotaur shows up.

    A minotaur shows up.
    Percy deffeats the minotaur and Percys mom turns into a shower of gold.
  • Percy is at camp.

    Percy wakes up and meats everybody at camp half-blood.
  • Percy gust got hit.

    Percy gets beat up by clarrise and deffets clarrise by getting her soaked with water.
  • People have good time.

    The people at camp-half blood through there food in the fire for the gods.
  • Percys first game.

    Percys first game.
    Percy Annabeth play capture the flag.
  • Percy talks to a fortune teller.

    Percy talks to the orakle and gives him a quest.
  • Mrs.Dodds strikes again.

    Percy fights Mrs.Dodds on a bus.
  • Anty-Em does not like percy.

    Anty-Em does not like percy.
    They arive at Anty-Ems garden.
  • A pinke poddle arives.

    They turn in a poddle for Denver tickits.
  • Ares is a god.

    Ares buys them chessburgers.
  • They go to Denver.

    Percy annabeth and grover perchis tickits to Denver.
  • Spirits are real.

    Percy talks to a spirit.
  • Las vegas here we come.

    They take a zoo truck to las vegas.
  • They got traped.

    They get stuck in the lotus casino for 5 days.
  • They finaly notice.

    They leave the lotus casino.
  • Percy gets lucky.

    Percy returns the bolt and the helm.
  • One freind will be trayed percy in the end.

    Percy battles luke.