Charles Babbage (Born 1791)
1822 - 1835 Charles Babbage designed the first computer like device named the "Difference Engine Machine". The machine was used to calculate and print mathematical tables. -
Alan Turing (Born 1912)
World War ll - Turning devised the first working computer named "The Bombe" the device was designed to crack the Nazi Enigma Machine codes in order to help end the war. -
Gordon Moore and Moore's Law (Developed 1965)
Moore advocated Moore's Law in 1965 claiming that the capacity of the microchip is to double every two years. Moore then developed his secound law stating that due to the rising capital costs financial feasibility will limit the rate of technological development. -
Xerox PARC (Innovation developed 1970)
In 1970 Xerox PARC developed the hand held mouse, pull or drop down menus and GUI (Graphic user interface). -
MITS ALTAIR 8080 (Developed in 1974 but an Innovation developed in 1975)
The microcomputer MITS ALTAIR 8080 became useful in 1975 after gaining BASIC language from Microsoft. -
Home Brew Computer Club (Founded Apple 1975)
In 1975 Jobs & Wozniak found Apple in 1975 -
Apple launches the computer (1978)
In 1978 Apple launches the general purpose computer a very basic computer which was the first computer able to be used by the average consumer. -
Apple buys VisiCalc software (1979)
In 1979 Apple buys VisiCalc software, a financial software known as the 'killer app' this was the first application people could buy to allowed them to do things on their computer.
The beginning....