Thurgood's birth
Thurgood Edward Marshall was born on February 6th, 1908, in Baltimore, MD. -
Thurgood's High School graduation
Thurgood Marshall graduated with a B-average from Lincoln High School in Tallahassee, Florida, in June, 1925
(photo from floridamemory.com) -
Thurgood's 1st marrige
Thurgood and his girlfriend, Vivian Burey, (aka "Buster") get married. -
Thugood's start of college life
Thurgood Marshall began to take classes at Howard Law School in Washington, D.C in 1930.
(photo from top-law-schools.com) -
College Graduation
Thurgood Marshall graduated from Howard Law School in 1933. -
1st court case
Thurgood Marshall's first major case went to court in 1935. -
Thurgood was granted a job with NAACP (National Association for the Advancement of Colored People) in 1936.
(photo from naacpmarshallmo.org) -
Part of LDF
In 1940, Thurgood Marshall became part of LDF (Legal Defense and educational Fund) by being given the job of "Director-Counsel".
(photo from prweb.com) -
Depressing news
In 1954, Thurgood Marshall was told that his beloved wife Buster, was dying of lung cancer. -
Buster's Death
In February of 1955, Buster died of Lung Cancer. -
Thurgood Marshall re-married to a woman named Cecilia in late 1955. -
Full Family
By 1958, Thurgood Marshall and Cecilia had 2 sons - Thurgood Jr. & John.
(photo from: america'slibrary.gov) -
Going big
Thurgood Marshall became the U.S Solicitor General. -
Thurgood Marshall was nominated to the Supreme Court by President Lyndon B. Johnson on March 6th, 1967. -
Making History
Later in 1967, Thurgood Marshall made history by becoming the first Arican-American to serve on the U.S Supreme Court. He was sowrn in and accepted that day.
(photo from upload.wikimedia.com) -
Starting major work
Thurgood Marshall begins serving at the Supreme Court. -
In October, 1991, Thurgood Marshall retired from the U.S Supreme Court. -
Death of a Judge
On January 24th, 1993, Supreme Court judge Thurgood Marshall died at the age of 84. Although he has passed, we will always remember how he changed our Country.
(photo from arlingtoncemetary.com)