
The Life of the Computer

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    Antikythera Device

    Antikythera Device
    The Antikythera Device, a bronze mechanical lunar month calculator, is constructed in Greece.
    I chose this because it was the first technical computer ever made.
  • Jan 1, 724


    Liang Ling-Can invents the first fully mechanical clock.
    I chose this because it was the first clock.
  • Jan 1, 1492

    Leonardos Drawings

    Leonardos Drawings
    Drawings by Leonardo da Vinci depict inventions such as flying machines, including a helicopter, the first mechanical calculator and one of the first programmable robots.
    I chose these because Leonardo was way ahead of his time in inventions and technology.
  • Slide Rule

    Slide Rule
    William Oughtred invents the slide rule. This first one was circular.
    I chose this because it was the first counter.
  • First Calculator

    First Calculator
    Samuel Morland builds a mechanical calculator that will add and subtract.
    I chose this because it was the first calculator.
  • Selling Calculators

    Selling Calculators
    Phillip-Malthus Hahn builds and sells a small number of calculating machines which are accurate to 12 digits.
    I chose this because now everyone can actually use calculators.
  • Multiplying Calculator

    Multiplying Calculator
    The third Earl of Stanhope invents a multiplying calculator.
    I chose this because it was the first multipling calculator.
  • Difference Engine

    Difference Engine
    Charles Babbage begins work on the Difference Engine.
    I chose this because it was another big advance in technology.
  • CNC

    The Complex Number Calculator (CNC) is completed.
    I chose this because it was the first basic programmer.
  • XBOX

    Bill Gates introduces the Xbox on January 7th 2001.
    I chose this because everyone has an XBOX.
  • PC's

    Approximately 1 billion PCs been sold.
    I chose this because this was a huge milestone in the computers industry.