Saint peter

The Life of Saint Peter

By Abby227
  • Birth

    Peter was born in the year 1 BC, with the Jewsih name Simon
  • Simon Meets Christ

    Simon Meets Christ
    Simon's younger brother, Apostle Andrew, introduced him to Jesus. Jesus then looked upon him and gave him the the name Peter.
  • Peter Becomes a Discple

    Peter Becomes a Discple
    Peter becomes a discple and goes on many journeys with Christ.
  • Peter is an Apostle

    Peter is an Apostle
    Peter is chosen one of the first 12 Apostles.
  • Peter is Head of the Apostles

    Peter is Head of the Apostles
    Peter is favoured by Christ, and because his strength in faith and in Him, he is chosen to be head of the Apostles.
  • The Last Supper

    The Last Supper
    The Last Supper is held, and Peter not only asks Christ to wash his feet, but his head also.
  • Peter's Denial

    Peter's Denial
    On the day of Christ's death, Peter denies knowing him three times, in order to protect himself. When his Master looks at him, Peter's sorrow is great, and he sees what he has truly done.
  • The Risen Lord

    The Risen Lord
    When Christ rises, Peter tells his true and specail love for Our Saviour, and He confirms his place as the Aposyle leader. He also fortells the grusome death Peter will have.
  • Missionaries

    Peter goes on missionaries all across the Roman Empire.
  • Death

    The exact date is yet again another estimate, but we know the cause of Peter's death. He was a martyr; put to death by Nero. He was burned on the cross upside down because he thought he was too unworthy to die as his Master did.