
The Life of Napoleon Bonaparte

By 1046064
  • The Birth of Napoleon Bonaparte

    Napoleon Bonaparte was born onn Corsica. He was the second son to a nobleman,
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    The Life of Napoleon Bonaparte

    This timespan covers the life of Napoleon Bonaparte and shows the significant events during the napoleonic era.
  • Napoleon Enrolls in French Military School

    In 1779, Napoleon Bonaparte was sent to a French military school on a scholarship. During his years at this school he speacialzed in artillery.
  • Napoleon attends Ecole Royal Militaire

    In 1784, Napoleon Bonaparte moved to Paris in order to attend the Royal French Military school. He was only at the school for one year but in that time managed to complete a three year program. When he left the school, he graduated as a second lieutenant.
  • Meets Josephine

    Meets Josephine
    On October 15th 1785, Napoleon meets Josephine (originally Rose de Beauhernais) at the home of Paul Francois Barras, a directory memeber.
  • Napoleon is stationed in France

    After graduating as a second lieutenant, Napoleon was stationed in France, although he spent much of his time with his family in Corsica and played a role in political and military affairs there. He spent aprroxiamtely eight years doing so.
  • Civil War in Corsica

    In 1793, a civil war occured in Corsica and caused Napoelon and his family to flee to France.
  • Napoelon is promoted to Brigadier-General

    Napoleon Bonaparte was promoted to Brigadier-General as recognition for his talents and efforts at the Siege of Toulon. During the Siege of Toulon, he was able to procure weapons, supplies, and men for the cause.
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    Napoleon is imprisoned

    Napoleon Bonapartre was imprisoned from the ninth to the twentieth of august due to suspisions of being allied with Robespierre as well as being a Jacobin. However, there was not enough evidence to support these claims..
  • Promoted

    On June 13th 1795, Napoleon Bonaparte was promoted from brigardier general to the title of General of the Army of the West.
  • The Consecration of Emperor Napoleon

    The Consecration of Emperor Napoleon
    On Sunday the second of December 1804, Napoleon crowned himself Emperor of France and his wife Josephine as Empress. Napoleon's role being elevated to the status of Emperor was widely supported by the people of France. Originally the Pope was going to crown Napoleon, however, Napoleon decided to stop the Pope moments before he was crowned and then proceeded to replace his laurels with his crown and then crowned the kneeling Josephine.
  • Russian Campaign

    Napoleon intended to fight the Russians in a quick and large battle. However, Czar Alexander changed strategies in order to beat Napoleon. Instead of facing Napoleon's army head on, the Russians merely retreated every time there was an attempted attack. By retreating they forced Napoleon's troops to enter further and further into russia. Due to a lack of supplies the army was soon weakened. They were not able to live off the land because the Russians had adopted the scorched earth policy.
  • Napoleon enters Moscow

    After facing the Russian's in the one and only battle of Borodino, Napoleon and his troops entered Mowcow. However, the city had been set to flame by the Russian's and Npaoleon gained nothing from entering the city. The troops were forced to retreat back through Russia in the midst of winter. Due to the lack of supplies and the harsh cold many of the soldiers died. Of the 600000 men that Napoleon had brought with him, less than 100000 survived by the time they made it out of Russia.
  • Napoleon is exiled

    Napoleon is exiled to teh island Elba on May fourth, 1814. However, his wife and son take refuge in Vienna.
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    Napoleon is Exiled to Elba

    During this time period Napoleon was Exiled to Elba. While in exile his wife Marie Louise refused to visit him, however, his mistress visited and brought their illegimate son to Elba. HIs mother and sister also came to Elba with him. He worked to improve Elba by building hospitals, making water more accessible, and by working with the 400 soldiers that accompanied him on a volontary basis. The french people were afriad of the king undoing Napoleons acts for equality and he remained popular.
  • Napoleon Escapes from Elba

    Despite being guarded by French and Austrian guards, Napoleon managed to escape from Elba and return to Paris. This escape allowed him to return to power for the period known as the hundred days.
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    The Hundred Days of Napoleon

    On the first of March in 1815 Napoleon left the island of Elba with approximately a thousand men to reclaim his power in France.
    On the eighteenth of June 1815, Napoleon was defeated during the battle of Waterloo which ended the Hundred Days.
    On June
  • Napoleon Returns

    After ecaping from Elba, Napoelon rallies the French Army to his aid. He began to gather troups in the south of France which led to the hundred days campaign.
  • Napoleon returns to France

    After escaping from Elba, Napoleon returned to France. He was welcomed back by many and the people began to rally around him. Police officers were sent to arrest Napoleon but upon arrival they knelt before him and joined his other supporters. Napoleon returned to Paris and caused King Louis XVIII to flee to Belgium. With the King gone, Napoleon was able to move back intothe Tuileries and begin the Hundred Days.
  • Battle an Lingy

    Napoleon engaged the Prussians in a battle at Lingy. When Napoleon was declared an outlaw by the congress of Vienna he decided to attack. The British and Prussian armies were camped in Belgium and he decided to fight two battles and hope to be succesfull because the opposing forces were seperated. The battle against the Prussians was indecisive however and both groups parted without any real advancement by either side.
  • Battle of Waterloo

    After an unsucessfull battle against the Prussians, Napoleon decided to attack the English. Napoleon made a mistake that ultimately led to his downfall before the battle had even begun. The ground was wet before the battle and Napoleon decided to wait until the afternoon when the ground was dry to attack teh English trooops. This delay allowed for the Prussian army to join with the English and their combined force was enough to defeat Napoleon. In total 47000 soldiers died at Waterloo.
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    Napoleon's Second Exile

    Napoelon Bonaparte spent the last six years of his life in exile on the island of St. Helena. He died on the island on the fifth of May in 1821.
  • Napoleon Bonaparte dies

    Napoleon Bonaparte dies
    Napoleon Bonaparte died on the fifth of may 1821 on the island of Saint Helena. Napoleon was only 52 when he died but he had lived a very stressfull life and was in poor health, made worse by the depression from being exiled on Saint Helena. Picture: The resting place of Napoleon Bonaparte in Paris, taken on the europe trip.