History of thailand0

The Life of Mongkut

  • Mongkut's Birth

    Mongkut's Birth
    Mongkut was born at the Old (Thonburi) Palace. He was the second child of the Prince Isarasundhorn and the grandson of Buddha Yodfa Chulaloke. Here is an image of Mongkut's grandfather.
  • Mongkut Becomes a Monk

    Mongkut Becomes a Monk
    (no specific date listed, just year) Mongkut became a Buddhist Monk because according to Siamese tradition, all men at the age of 20 should become Monks.
  • Mongkut Begins Reform

    Mongkut began a reform movement that reinforced the canon law. (no specific date, just year)
  • Mongkut Becomes King.

    Mongkut Becomes King.
    Mongkut became the king of the Siam religion. (no date)
  • English Missionaries to Siam

    Mongkut hired many many English and American missionaries to teach the prices how to speak english. (no date)
  • Nobles Wear Shirts

    (no date) Mongkut orderes the court nobles to wear shirts. They were never allowed to wear shirts in case they were hiding weapons under them. Mongkut did this because the no-topped practice was criticized by Westerners.
  • Mongkut Stops Ruling

    Mongkut ceases to rule the Siam religion. (no date)
  • Mongkut's Death