The book thief title pic

The Life of Liesel Meminger

  • Liesel's Brother Dies

    Liesel's Brother Dies
    Werner was Liesel Meminger's brother. He was six years old. He died while Liesel, their mother, and him were traveling on a train, slowly approaching Liesel and Werner's new life. His death cast a very dark shadow across Liesel's face. His death did not give Liesel much hope for her future.
  • Liesel Steals "The Grave Digger's Handbook"

    Liesel Steals "The Grave Digger's Handbook"
    Liesel stole a book titled "The Grave Digger's Handbook." This book was dropped by a young boy who was one of the grave diggers at Werner's burial. This book would spark Liesel's curiosity and love for reading. "The book thief had struck for the first time - the beginning of an illustrious career" (Zusak 29).
  • Liesel Meets her Foster Parents

    Liesel Meets her Foster Parents
    Liesel meets her foster parents: Hans and Rose Hubermann. The Hubermanns live in a town called Molching. They live on a street called Himmel Street. This day, January 14, 1939, was the first day of Liesel's new life. "The day was gray, the color of Europe" (Zusak 27).
  • Liesel Becomes Best Friends with Rudy Steiner

    Liesel Becomes Best Friends with Rudy Steiner
    Liesel becomes best friends with one of her neighbors: a boy named Rudy Steiner. Rudy would be a great comfort and companion to Liesel until the very end of his life. He gave Liesel hope, encouragement, and adventure during the years on Himmel Street.
  • Liesel Vows Never to Kiss Rudy

    Liesel Vows Never to Kiss Rudy
    Rudy almost won a race against Liesel, his reward for winning being a kiss from Liesel. He did not win, though (neither of them finished the race). Afterwards, Liesel vowed never to kiss Rudy as long as they both lived. Little did she know that one day she would break that vow.
  • World War II Begins

    World War II Begins
    World War II began on September 1, 1939. This war would change everything for Liesel in the approaching years. This war would bring deaths to people from all around the world.
  • Liesel and her Papa Finish "The Grave Digger's Handbook"

    Liesel and her Papa Finish "The Grave Digger's Handbook"
    Liesel and her Papa finished "The Grave Digger's Handbook" very early in the morning of December 17, 1939. It was a long, hard, and difficult journey for them to reach the end of the book. However, it was very beneficial to Liesel and a huge accopmlishment for her.
  • Liesel is Given Two More Books as Christmas Presents

    Liesel is Given Two More Books as Christmas Presents
    Just after midnight on Christmas Eve, Liesel unwrapped two books, given to her by her Papa and Mama. They were titled "Faust the Dog" by Mattheus Ottleberg and "The Lighthouse" by Ingrid Rippinstein. These books were one of the best gifts Liesel could receive.
  • Liesel Steals another Book

    Liesel Steals another Book
    It was Hitler's birthday and the day of a book burning. The sight of books burning made Liesel's heart ache. After the book burning, when almost everyone had left and Liesel was basically alone, she couldn't resist the urge to slip a book that did not get completely destroyed by the fire into her coat. The book was calling to her, and she couldn't walk away from it.
  • Liesel Explores the Library of Grande Strasse

    Liesel Explores the Library of Grande Strasse
    One day when Liesel goes to pick up the washing at Grande Strasse, she is invited inside the house by the mayor's wife. This is the one person that had seen Liesel steal the book from the book burning. Liesel is extremely nervous as she enters the huge house. Instead of getting in trouble, however, Liesel is brought into the library of the house. Liesel is overtaken with a love for this room. She is in awe of the beauty of all of the books lined up on the shelves.
  • Max Vandenburg Arrives at Himmel Street

    Max Vandenburg Arrives at Himmel Street
    A Jew named Max Vandenburg arrived at the Hubermanns' house in early November, 1940. The Hubermanns were shocked to see him. (Life in Germany was extremely dangerous for Jews during World War II.) Eventually, Max became a close friend with Liesel. He encouraged her in her writing and reading. Several years later, he would be the only person Liesel had left.
  • Hans Hubermann Makes a Big Mistake

    Hans Hubermann Makes a Big Mistake
    Later in the year of 1942, people gathered around the streets of Molching to watch hundreds of captive Jews being led out of the town by German soldiers. One Jew was nearly dead as he walked -- if you could call it that -- past Hans. Hans couldn't help himself, and when the Jew started falling, Hans caught him. However, almost immediately the Jew and Hans were whipped. The German army would be coming for him soon. Hans had made a big mistake.
  • Hans Hubermann Leaves for the Army

    Hans Hubermann Leaves for the Army
    One day a letter arrived for Hans Hubermann informing him that he had been accepted into the Nazi Party. A couple days later, Hans received word that he was being drafted. A day or two later, Hans left Himmel Street. Liesel and Rosa were scared beyond their senses that he wouldn't come home alive.
  • Hans Hubermann Arrives Home

    Hans Hubermann Arrives Home
    In early/mid April, Hans Hubermann finally arrived home. Liesel and Rosa were overjoyed. However, nobody knew about the tragic event that was coming up soon.
  • They Came Late in the Night

    They Came Late in the Night
    They came late in the night. They were the bombs. They were the bombs that demolishe Himmel Street and killed Liesel's Mama and Papa and Rudy. They were the bombs that destroyed Liesel's life. Her heart was torn apart as she climbed out of the rubble and saw the damage and the deaths. This was the day that Liesel broke her vow. Her lips pressed against the lips of Rudy's corpse. Some may feel that part of Rudy's soul remained in his corpse as his heart was finally satsified with Liesel's kiss.