Birth Date
Kathy is born on this date. -
Peace Corps
President John F. Kennedy issues an executive order establishing the Peace Corps. The Corps aims to disseminate good will and pactical knowlegde by enlisting volunteers, most under age 30 , to two- terms of service. -
JFK wins presidency
Democratic candidate John F. Kennedy is elected president of the United States. His margin of victory over Republican Candiadte Richard M. Nixon is just over 100,000 votes. Kennedy wins 300 electoral college votes to Nixon's 219. -
First Day of School
Kathy started her first day of school on this date. At the age of 6. -
JFK Proposes Big Tax Cuts
In a speech before the economic club of New York , President John Kennedy unveils a plan for economic recovery that stresses large tax cuts and credits for businesses. One of his liberal economic advisors labels it the most " Republican speech since Mckinley". These propsals will become part of the Fax Reduction Act signed into law in 1964. -
Kennedy Assassination
John Fitgerald Kennedy , the 35th president was assassinated at 12:30 p.m. on Friday November 22 , 1963 , in Dealey Plaza , Dallas , Texas. Kennedy was fatally shot by a sniper while traveling with his wife Jacqueline, Texas governor John Connally, and Connally's wife Nellie, in a presidential motorcade. A tenth - month investigation from November 1963 to September 1964 by the warren commission concluded that Kennedy was assassinated by Lee Harvey Oswald , acting alone. -
Civil Rights Act Of 1964
The Civil Rights Act of 1964 is landmark piece of Civil Rights legislation in the United States that outlawed discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex , or national orgin. It ended unequal application of voter registration requirement and racial segregation in schools at work and facilities that served the general public. The act was signed into law by president Lyndon B. Johnson on July 2, 1964 at the white house. -
Berkeley Free Speech Movement
Hundreds of students at the University of California, Berkeley surround a police car as it attempts to remove a political activist for engaging in political advocacy on campus. Roughly 3000 students will join the 32-hour protest marking the beginning of Berkeley’s Free Speech Movement. -
The Beatles Break - Up
The Beatles one of the most popular band of all time broke up . And although John Lennon privately informed the other Beatles that he was leaving the group in September 1969, there was no public acknowledgement of the break-up until Paul McCartney announced on 10 April 1970 he was quitting the Beatles.The band broke up for many reasons, the cessation of touring in 1966, and the death of their manager, Brian Epstein, in 1967, meaning the Beatles were personally involved in financial problems. -
Kent State Shooting
The Kent Shooting occured at Kent State University in the us city of Kent , Ohio and involved in the shooting of unarmed college students by the Ohio national guard on Monday May 4 , 1970. The guardsmen fired 67 rounds over a period of 13 seconds killing four students and wounding nine others. One who suffered permanent paralysis. Some of the students that were shot had been protesting the Cambodian campaign which president Richard Nixon announced during a television address on April 30 . -
First Job
Kathy got her first job at the age of 15. She had a steady babysitting job. -
Kathy marries Gary Stewart on this date. -
Ted Bundy
In the summer of 1974, Ted Bundy a serial killer attacked at least seven young women in Washington. Bundy's victims looked remarkably similar to each other: Nearly all of them had long, dark hair parted in the middle. Those who knew him said that he was very smart and personable, and he used his charm to pick up his victims. In another gambit, he also used a fake cast on his arm to appear less threatening.He later expanded his area of attack to Colorado and, on August 16, 1975, was arrested . -
First Child
Kathy had her first child on this date at the age of 20. -
The King, Elvis Found Dead
Elvis died on August 16, 1977 in the bathroom at Graceland. After being found on the bathroom floor, Elvis was rushed to the hospital where he was officially pronounced dead.Cause of death was determined heart attack.That had apparently caused Elvis' heart to beat irregularly and then stop was an overdose of prescription drugs. These drugs included codeine, Valium, morphine, and Demorol, to name a few. -
Birth of Second Child
Kathy gave birth to her second son. -
Birth of Third Son
Kathy gave birth to her third son. -
Birth of First Daughter.
Kathy gave birth to her fourth child. But first daughter. -
Birth of First Grandchild
Kathy became a grandmother on this date. -
Death of Husband
Kathy's husband died on this date.