Present day
I was heavily involved in Football, but now I have retired from the game. I was also slightly involved in the bowling team and deca. -
present day
I do not have a job, but I am actively searching for one. -
5 Years
If I am still in buisness school I am thinking I would take it at night with a part time job, otherwise I will be searching if not in a job. -
5 years
Present day: Goals
Short term goal: I plan to finish out strong acedmically in terms of achieving good grades. I also am interested in saving for college which brings me to my next goal
Long term goal: I plan to atten the university of Iowa as marketing major. -
In 5 years
Ideally I would have graduated college by then, however I am interetsted in possibly furthering a bachlor degree, I am open to all desciosions post college. I may find myself in buisness school for a mba program. my options are open. -
5 years fron now
Ideally I will be finsheing up school so part time work. Or possibly I can find full time work and take night classes. I would like to, scratch that, I will find a job working in a markting firm or for a company/ Organization. Specifically advertisment and marketing. Im looking to make north of 30,000 (adjust for inflation). -
5 years
My job would require me to work near a city. Ideally a city like Chicago or Boston is my goal. I l like chicago for their elite sports and entertainment hotspot. At this point of my life the city is where the big money is for marketing jobs and suberebs would be better for settling which im not at the point yet. -
5 years
I will be driving a car. The type of car I see myself driving would be an older toyota camery like car. Good gas milage and low maintance is key with what im sure will be a tight budget. -
10 years
I would like to have advanced in exeriance and expertise as a marekting degree. I expect to be making north of 70,000 (adjust for inflation). Possiblly doing big projects rather than day to day. -
10 years
Again, Im open to where my personal life as well as my career take me. I will stand with my previous statement of Chicago or Boston maybe even Philly, who knows. Ill let my passion take me. -
10 years
I plan to live in a condo or apartmwnt since it is still early in my life. However at this exact time at 28 years of age Im sure im planning to look for house to settle permiently. -
10 year
I plan on beeing married. With kids, yes. And I am a dog person.