The life of Griff Law

  • I am born

    I am born
    At 8.30am, just a bit past daybreak, I am born.
  • Crash of TAME flight 120

    Crash of TAME flight 120
    A boeing 727-100 of Tame airlines crashes into the Andes mountain, taking the lives of 92
  • Electricity Blackout in South east England

    Electricity Blackout in South east England
    An electricity failure cuts off power to about 500 000 people living in SE England and halts 60% of the local railway system.
  • Taiwanese form 500km long human chain

    Taiwanese form 500km long human chain
    Over a million Taiwanese participating in the 228 Hand-in-hand rally form a 500km long human chain to remember the deaths in the 228 event.
  • Sumatran Earthquake

    Sumatran Earthquake
    The 8.7 magnitude Sumatran Earthquake hits India, the second strongest Earthquake since 1960; killing about 1300!
  • Montenegro admitted member of UN

    Montenegro admitted member of UN
    The republic of Montenegro is admitted as the 192th member of the United Nations
  • The birth of iPhone

    The birth of iPhone
    The, now deceased and ex, CEO of Apple, the great Steve Jobs announces the birth of iPhone
  • Eyak language becomes extinct

    Eyak language becomes extinct
    On this day, the last native speaker of Eyak from Alaska, dies and the language becomes extinct.
  • Slovakia adopts Euro

    Slovakia adopts Euro
    Slovakia announces their adoption of the Euro currency, and becomes the 16th Eurozone country
  • The opening of Burj Khalifa

    The opening of Burj Khalifa
    The Burj Khalifa, the tallest building in the world then, and now still, officially opens.
  • 7 million humans

    World population hits 7 million, according to UN
  • Suicide bombing in Iraq

    Suicide bombing in Iraq
    A suicide bomber kills 53 and injures 130 in Iraq
  • First year in S1

    I graduate into Secondary school!