When he was Born
Dr. Seuss was born March 2,1904. He was born on Howard Street in Springfield, Massachusetts. Image Source -
Dr. Suess Started Public Schools
Dr. Suess started Springfield Public Schools when he was six years old. Image Source -
Dr. Seuss Started Collage
Dr. Seuss attended Dartmonth Collage in New Hampshire. He started collage in 1921 and ended in 1925. He attended school to study english. While he was in collage he wrote stories for the collage magazine. Image Source -
Dr. Seuss' Wife
Dr.Seuss met Helen Palmer when he was a student in England. The two got married in 1927. They didn't have any children. Helen also wrote and illustrated children's books. Sadly Helen died in 1967. In 1968 Dr.seuss mariied his second wife Audrey Stone Dimond. She already had two childrenfrom her last marriage. Her Children, Lea and Lark became Dr. Seuss' stepdaughters. Image Source -
The Cat In The Hat
The Cat in the Hat is a very well know book by young readers around the world. It was actually made when Dr.Seuss had a list of words and he chose 230 of the words and created The Cat in the Hat. This book is very well known and has been translated into many diffrent languages. There are also many other books about the Cat in the Hat but with just a little twist. Image Source -
Book to Movie
The book How The Grinch Stole Christmas was made into a movie. It was first aired December 18, 1966. The movie was made by Colombia Brodcasting System. Image Source -
We All Miss You
Dr.Suess died in San Diaego on September 24,1991. Dr.Seuss is know world wide for all the wonderful childre's books he dedicated his time to create. Some books send a message and some books are just to have fun with. Dr.Seuss is someone to remember. Image Source -
When I Read The Book
I read Dr.Seuss' Green Eggs And Ham with my sister this last summer. We checked it out from the library. Image Source