The life of Constantine

By tsyke
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    Flavius Valerius was born around 272 In Valerius in the roman Provinceof Moesia his father.
  • Period: 272 to 311

    The education and raising, running of Constantine

    Constantine grew up in the count of Emperor Diocletain, he recieved an excellant education learning how to read and write in both greek and latin. In addition he learning greek philosophy, mythology, and theatre. Galerius tried to have Constantine killed , but Constantine survived. Constantine eventually fled and joined his father in Gual in the western Roman Empire, Britian along side fighting with his father.
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    Constantine's father

    Constantine's father raised to the role of Emperor of the west
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    The sight Christians getting persecution

    Constantine witnessed christians getting persecuted had a huge impact on his life.
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    Galerius became emperor

  • 311

    Civil War

    Galerius died in 311 AD/CE resulting in a competition among many powerful men to take over the roman empire. Maxentius declared himself Emperor, Constantine declared war, his army marched against Maxentius.
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    Constantine's dream

    Constantine approached Rome in 312, with reasons to worry. Constantine had a dream where he was told he would win the battle if he fought under the Cristian cross. The soldiers painted a cross onto their shields, they dominated the battle, defeated Maxentius took control of Rome.
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    Constantine became a christians

    They signed the edict of Milan in 313 stating christians would no longer be persecuted in the roman empire, since Constantine would now consider himself as a follower of christian faith.
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    Emperor of all of Rome

    Lininius decided the renew the persecution of christians 7 years later. Constantine would not stand for this, Constantine defeated Licinus ruler of united Rome in 324.
  • Period: 324 to 330

    Building Rome

    Building many new structures like the glant basilica. Arch of Constantine, built to commemorate his victory over Maxentius.
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    A new captital of the Roman Empire was established by Constantine in 330. Constantine went on to become the capital of the Eastern Roman Empire, it was the largest and richest city during the middle ages.
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    Constantine ruled the Roman Empire unitl he died from illness in 337. He was buried in the Church of the holy Apostles in Constantinople