Birth of Charles Darwin
Charles Darwin was born in Shropshire, England, the second youngest of six children. He was born to Dr. R.W. Darwin, a medical doctor, and Susan Darwin, who died when Charles was only eight years old. He came from a well-off family of doctors and was influenced mostly by his grandfather Erasmus, author of Zoonomia, or the Laws of Organic Life. -
Darwin Begins College
Darwin enrolled in University of Edinburgh in Scotland to study medicine with his brother Erasmus. His father wanted him to also become a doctor, but Charles became sick at the sight of blood. His father suggested many other subjects, but Darwin was more interested in natural history. (Estimated date) -
Voyage of the HMS Beagle
The HMS Beagle set off to South America, and Darwin was able to explore and discover the biological systems of exotic flora and fauna, which furthered his curiousity and hunger for learning. The voyage of the HMS Beagle lasted from 1831-1836 and traveled all around South America and the Galapigos Archipelago. -
Darwin Surveys the Galapagos
Darwin surveyed the Galapagos Archipelago which had a huge effect on his Theory of Natural Selection and Evolution. A lot of this work appeared in his book The Orgin of Species. He took particular interest in the different species of finches because of the similarities and differences with their beaks. (Estimated date) -
Publication of Origin of Species
Darwin's travels gave him the observations to complete his Theory of Natural Selection and Evolution. A lot of this work appeared in his book The Orgin of Species. The theories presented in the book contradicted most fundamental religious beliefs, creating a divide between Darwinians and most religious groups, such as conservative Muslims, Christians, and Jews. -
Death of Darwin
Darwin died at age 73. He had memory failure and many stomach issues that led up to his death. He left a legacy of magnificent scientific acheivement behind him. -
Scopes Trial
The Scopes Trial was a nationally televised trial between pro-evolutionists and Christian fundamentalists. John Scopes, a school teacher, illegally taught evolution in an attempt to be indicted and bring the matter to court attention. Scopes hoped that the anti-evolution laws would be declared unconstitutional, but he was duly convicted and the same laws stood for some time. -
Supreme Court Ruling
The Supreme Court ruled that the First Amendment separation of church and state applied to all individual state governments as well as to Congress. This meant that certain states that had allowed Creationism and religious studies to be taught in public schools now had to remove those subjects and replace them with science. -
Success of the Sputnik
The success of the Russian space program, Sputnik, led to an American panic over prominence of science in schools. In the interest of international dominance over Russia, the post-Scopes ruling could not stand, and science flooded back into American schools. -
Intelligent Design
The idea of Intelligent Design was thought of by a lawyer, Phillip Johnson and a biochemest, Michael Behe. Intelligent Design states that some biochemical sturctures must have been designed by someone more intelligent because they could not have evolved like that in such a complex way and that evolution and intellignet design 'balanced' each other out. In 2005 judge John E. Jones ruled that intelligent design had religious motivations and that it should not be taught in the classroom.