Charles darwin 1875 b

The Life of Charles Darwin

  • Charles Darwin is born

    Charles Robert Darwin was born to Susannah and Robert Darwin. He was named after his uncle, Charles, and his father, Robert (Leff). Darwin was born in Shrewsbury, Shropshire into a wealthy and well connected family (Charles),
  • Abraham Lincoln is born

    Abraham Lincoln is born
    Abraham Lincoln was born in Hodgeville, Kentucky to Thomas and Nancy Lincoln. He served as our 16th president from March 1861 until April 1865 (Thomas).
  • The Battle of Tippecanoe

    The Battle of Tippecanoe
    This battle was between the United states and the Native Americans. The Battle of Tippecanoe was caused because native american confederacy leader, Tecumseh, opposed U.S expansion into Native territory. The U.S army attacked the confederacy's headquarters at Prophestown and drove out the natives. it was a U.S victory (Dawson)
  • Darwin attended Edinburgh University

    Darwin attended Edinburgh University
    At the age of 16, Darwin's father enrolled him at Edinburgh University to study medicine and follow in the footsteps of his grandfather and his father who were both physicians. Darwin found this school useless because he hated the sight of blood and was not interested in becoming a physician. Darwin realized that he was benefiting more from after school activities than his classes as he would visit the University's musem where he learnt about anatomy of animals and botany (Edinburgh)
  • Sailed as an unpaid naturalist on the Beagle

    Sailed as an unpaid naturalist on the Beagle
    The Beagle was a ship sailed by captain Robert FitzRoy and went all the way from England to South America to Australia. On this voyage Darwin was able to study many animals which helped him form his theory of evolution (Leff)
  • Studies Finches in the Galapagos Islands

    Studies Finches in the Galapagos Islands
    On his visit to the Galapagos Islands, Charles Darwin discovered several species of finches that varied from island to island, which helped him to develop his theory of natural selection. He saw that the finches all had different shaped beaks that were specifically fit for their diet,this led him to believe that the finches had evolved to adapt to their envrionment (Darwin's).
  • Darwin marries his cousin

    Darwin marries his cousin
    Darwin marries his cousin, Emma Wedgewood at Saint Peter's Anglican Church in Maer. They had two children, a boy and a girl and they lived most of their marriage at Down House in the village of Down in Kent, which Darwin bought from his father (Karp)
  • Published "The Origin of Species"

    Published "The Origin of Species"
    Darwin's book brings up the idea of evolution and survival of the fittest which caused an uproar by the people because it went against the popular belkief that god created human beings uniquely and that we are not linked to other animals. it wasnt until Darwin died years later that the book was even thought to be partially true (Thomas).
  • Awarded the Copley Medal of the Royal Society of London

    Awarded the Copley Medal of the Royal Society of London
    Darwin was proposed for this medal by George Busk and Hugh Falconer for Darwin's sucess in geology, physical geography, zoology, physiological botany, and genetic biology. The Copley Medal was seen as the highest honor award in the Royal Society. Due to the disagreement on his book, The Origin of Species, it was not included in the award (Bartholomew)
  • The Assassination of Lincoln

    The Assassination of Lincoln
    President Abraham Lincoln was assassinated at "Ford's Theatre' by John Wikes Booth. He was shot in the back of the head through a peep hole into the seat he was at. Andrwe Johnson then became the president after Lincoln's death (Dawson).
  • Birth of the KKK

    Birth of the KKK
    The Ku Klux Klan was created by 6 well-educated confederate vetrans from Tennessee after the civil war. The KKK is seen as post civil war violience and effort to control the dramatically changed social situation by using public violience against african americans as intimidation. They would attack and kill african americans, leave their bodies in the roads, and burn their houses (Dawson).
  • Civil Rights Act of 1866

    Civil Rights Act of 1866
    The Civil Rights Act of 1866 was an act to protect all Persons in the United States in their Civil rights and liberties, and furnish the Means of their Vindication. It protected the basic civil rights of African-American citizens, president Andrew Johnson vetoed it twice, but it still passed (Dawson).
  • The British North America Act was passed

    The British North America Act was passed
    This was the act of Parliment of the United kingdom by which 3 British colonies in North America were united as one domination under the name of Canada, it also divided the provinces of Canada into Quebec and Ontario (Dawson).
  • Published "The Power of Movement in Plants"

    Published "The Power of Movement in Plants"
    This book was just an extension of the work on climbing plants to show that the same mechanisms hold good for flowering plants in general. It sold only a few copies and was not reprinted after Darwin's death until 1966 (Wyhe).
  • Darwin suffered a mild heart attack

    Darwin suffered a mild heart attack
    Darwin suffered a mild heart attack which left darwin scared for the rest of his life and he was not the same. After suffering his heart attack, Darwin knew that he was going to die soon. it is now thought that darwin suffered from Chagas' disease which he acquired while doing research on one of the islands in South America (Karp).
  • Charles Darwin dies

    Charles Darwin dies
    Darwin died in his bed in his home with his wife beside him. Darwin's last words were "Emma, I am not the least afaraid of death. Remember what a good wife you have been to me. Tell all my children to remember how good they have been to me." (Karp)