The Life of Carol May

By tcup916
  • Birth

    Carol May is born in Cudahy, Wisconsin.
  • Beginning of WWII

    Beginning of WWII
    Hitler's Germany invades Poland, starting World War II. There is some controversy as to when the war actually began (as Hitler had been expanding Germany for some time before causing a war), but most historians agree September 1, 1939, is the beginning of the second world war. For a more detailed explanation:
  • First Day of Kindergarten

    Carol has an exciting first day of school, where she meets new friends and learns new things.
  • Beginning of High School

    Carol begins her 4 years of high school.
  • First McDonald's established

    First McDonald's established
    The very first McDonald's is opened up in Illinois. The restaurant was founded by the McDonald brothers, Richard and Maurice. Once they realized that their small establishment was a hit, they franchised their buisness throughout the country.
  • Brown vs. the Board of Education

    Brown vs. the Board of Education
    Brown vs. the Board of Education was a case in Topeka, Kansas, that ended segregation in public schools. This decision was incredibly important as it exposed children to diversity and gave black kids equal opportunity for education as their white peers.
  • NASA founded

    NASA founded
    NASA, or the National Aeronautics and Space Administration was founded by Dwight D. Eisenhower. The program was created in response to growing demand for space exploration, and in 1969 managed to send the first man to the moon.
  • Marriage

    Carol gets married to John May in 1958, but their marriage was kept secret from their families for more than a year as they had not been married in a Catholic church.
  • First Child

    Patty May is born to Carol and John May.
  • Second Child

    Carol gives birth to a healthy baby girl named Jacky.
  • Home Ownership

    Carol buys her first house in Cudahy in which she still lives.
  • Martin Luther King Jr. Assassinated

    Martin Luther King Jr. Assassinated
    The civil rights leader was shot was shot on the second balcony of the Lorraine Motel when a shot from a sniper struck him in the back of his neck, killing him. The event shocked the country, as Martin Luther King Jr. was the face of a peaceful movement. More than 100 protests followed the assassination, as people voiced their outrage nationwide.
  • The Beatles Break Up

    The Beatles Break Up
    The Beatles announce their breakup on April 10, just before the release of their last album, Let it Be. The real reason why they broke up (and who did it) is unclear but there are several theories and interviews that suggest that Paul McCartney felt that his bandmates had no sense of urgency to write new material before a big show.
  • Pong is Released

    Pong is Released
    Pong, considered one of the earliest arcade video games, was released to the public on November 29, 1972. The game was designed by Allan Alcorn, who worked for Atari, and featured table-tennis like gameplay.
  • Grandchildren

    Carols' daughter, Jacky, gives birth to Tammy Lyn Cantillon.
  • Live Aid 1985

    Live Aid 1985
    One of the most amazing rock performances ever, Live Aid was a show to raise money for sick African children. Some of the acts include David Bowie, Elton John, Queen, Duran Duran, Bob Dylan, and many more artists. About 100,000 people attended the event, raising about 1,422,382 dollars.
  • 9/11

    Four commercial planes were hijacked and crashed into the Twin Towers. The attack was carried out by terrorists from the group Al Qaeda, who wanted American troops out of the Saudi Arabian peninsula. 2996 deaths and more than 6000 injuries were caused by the act of terrorism that day.
  • Great Grandchildren

    Carols grandaughter, Tammy Cantillon, gave birth to Ava May Antonie.
  • iPhone introduced

    iPhone introduced
    The smartphone that revolutionized communication was released by Apple in June of 2007. About 270,000 units were sold in the first two days of release, proving to be an extremely successful product.
  • More Great Grandchildren

    Carol gets another great-grandchild from Tammy, a baby boy named Miles Schleicher.