Anne frank

The Life of Anne Frank

  • The Birth Of Anne Frank

    The Birth Of Anne Frank
    Anne Frank was born in Franfurt Germany.
  • family goes into hiding

    family goes into hiding
    The Franks decide to leave Germany to escape Nazi persecution. While Mr. Frank looks for a new home in Amsterdam, The netherlands, the rest of the family stays with realtives in Aachen, Germany.
  • Hitler Comes to Power

    Hitler Comes to Power
    January 30thThe Nazi party leader, Adlolf Hitler, becomes chancellor (head of the government) of Germany. March 10: The first concentration camp is established by the Nazis, at Dachau, Germany. April: The Nazis pass their first antiJewish law, banning the public employment of Jews.
  • Jewish life becomes harder.

    Jewish life becomes harder.
    September 15th: The Nuremburg laws are passed, denying Jews German citizenship and forbidding marriage between Jews and non-Jews.
  • Axis power flag

    Axis power flag
    October 5th: Germany and Itlay form an alliance (the axis)
  • Leaving again

    Leaving again
    Summer: The Van pals family (Called th Van Daans in Anne's Diary) flee Germany for the netherlands.
  • German invasion of poland

    German invasion of poland
    March: Germany invades and occupies most of Czechoslovakia. September 1st: Germany invades poland; World War 11 begins. France and great Britain declare war on Germany two days later.
  • Germany invasion

    Germany invasion
    March: Germany invades and occupies most of Czechoslovakia. September 1st: Germany invades poland; World War 11 begins. France and great Britain declare war on Germany two days later.
  • germany invades soviet

    germany invades soviet
    June 22: Germany invades The soviet Union. December: The United States enters the war on the side of thew Allied nations (includeing Great Brition, the Soviet Union , and other countrys) after Japan attacks the U.S. naval base at Pearl Harbor.
  • d-day

    June 6: D-day. Allied forces land Normandy, in northern France, and launch an invasion of Western Europe.