Birth of Charles Darwin
Darwin began first year of medical school at Edinburgh
Darwin began his second year of medical school at Edinburgh
Darwin gave his first scientific speech at a meeting of the Plinian Society
Darwin began studying for the clergy at Christ's College in Cambridge
Took final exam at Christ's College and placed 10th out of 178 students
Darwin graduated from Cambridge
Darwin left on Beagle Voyage - choosen as a naturalist for a 2 year voyage to South America
Darwin started out on his Andes expedition
Beagle Voyage finally arrived home in England after four years, nine months, five days
Gave first speech before Royal Geological Society in London
Married his cousin Emma Wedgewood
In a letter to George Waterhouse Darwin hinted at his belief in transmutation
Darwin sent 189 page manuscript on transmutation sketch to a local Downe schoolmaster for editing
Darwin's book "Geological Observations on South America" was complete
Darwin sent an outline of his theory of natural selection to Asa Gray, professor of natural history at Harvard University
Darwin first went public about his views on the evolution of species
Darwin was awarded the Copley Medal; the highest honor bestowed by the Royal Society
Darwin started working on his autobiography
Darwin finished writing his autobiography
Death of Charles Darwin