First Protest
Libyans demonstrated in front of the Benghazi Police Headquarders. Thirty eight poeple were injured as by the police. They were protesting because a human rights lawyer, Fathi Terbil had been arrested. -
Gaddafi's Response
February 18, police and armed personal withdraw from Benghazi, after attempting to to brake up a riot, which they couldn't do. The next day, February 19, Gaddafi's forces use helicopters to fire into protesters -
Armed Libyan Rebles fight back in Misrata
The protest spread to outside Benghazi, where violent rebels in Misrata destroyed Gaddafi's airfield. -
Libyan Rebel Fighting
Anti-Libyan Leader Moammar Gadhafi rebels, patrol in front a refinery oil after capturing the oil town of Ras Lanouf, in eastern Libya, Saturday, March 5, 2011. -
Russian mig gets shot down in the NO FLY ZONE
March 17, NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization) makes a no fly zone in Libya, and a Mig got shot down by rebel forces -
Libyan Pilot Committs Suicide
Free Libyan Airforce Pilot Muhammad Mukhtar Osman was flying in a suicide mission, by chose to commits suicided by flying his plane into Bab al-Aziza barracks and has supossedly killed Khamis Gaddafi -
Fighting in Misrata
March 20, 2011, the city of Misrata was razed to the ground by rebel and Gaddafi forces. Endles artillery bombardments turned public buildings into ruble and piles of bodies. -
NATO Naval Blockade Established
On March 23, NATO forces sent in navy ships and aircraft and established a naval blockade outside Libya's territorial waters, conducting ssurveillance to verify the actions of shipping in the region. -
Muammar Gaddafi Recruits Nigerian Mercenries
Gaddafi recruits Nigerian mercenaries to fight his diplomatic problem. The mercenaries are getting paid €7,500 ($10,000) upfront payment and compensation up to €750 ($1,000) per day to fihgt against the anti-Gaddafi forces. -
Rebel Training
Libyan rebels soldiers take part in a training to be ready for the frontline near Misrata, Libya, 13 June 2011. At least eight people died and more than 40 were wounded in the western Libyan city of Zintan on 13 June -
Fuel Depot Destroyed by Pro Gaddafi Forces
A large fireball erupts from a burning fuel depot container in Misrata's port, on July 25, 2011. The facility at the city's port was struck by a rocket fired by pro-Qaddafi forces. -
Rebel Capture Key Military Base in Tripoli
Libyan Rebels catpure a key military base in Tripli with NATO support. The rebels looted golden guns and other valuable itmes after the attack. -
The Fighting in Tripoli
Libyan rebel soldiers open fire before retreating their position against pro-Gaddafi loyalist soldiers on August 26, 2011 in Tripoli, Libya -
Libyan Insurgents Fight Back
Today, the Libyans are fighting back with some of the of the latest military hardware and weapons like the RPG (Rocket Propelled Grenade) -
Officials Claim that the Fighting will Begin it's Final Phase
The fighting in Libya is soon to end, both Gaddafi's Lyalists and the anti-Gaddafi Rebels have been fighting each other for months. The rebels are advancing and Gaddafi's forces lie in wait for them, shooting anything that moves on the streets. -
Gaddafi is Dead
After months of rebel fighting and endless insurgency, Muammar Gaddafi was found hiding in a sewage pipe and was found by the rebels and killed October 20, 2011.