The LGBT Movement

  • Formation of The Society for Human Rights is founded

    Formation of The Society for Human Rights is founded
    It was the first official gay rights organization in America
  • The SHRF is disbanded by people of America

    The SHRF is disbanded by people of America
    The people of America did not support The Society for Human Rights Foundation. They disbanded it.
  • Homosexuals are not allowed to work for the Federal Government

    Homosexuals are not allowed to work for the Federal Government
    Eisenhower signs an order to ban gay people from having employment involvement in the US government
  • The first "Reminder Day" is held

    The first "Reminder Day" is held
    Reminder Day is used to highlight the lack of civil rights for the gays.
  • Homosexuality is removed from official list of mental illnesses

    Homosexuality is removed from official list of mental illnesses
    The American Psychiatric Association removes homosexuality from their list of mental illnesses
  • Wisconsin bans discrimination based on sexual orientation

    Wisconsin bans discrimination based on sexual orientation
    Wisconsin bans discrimination at the work place and everywhere else due to sexual orientation
  • World AIDS Day

    World AIDS Day
    The first World AIDS day is held for awareness
  • Vermont becomes the first state to allow legal gay marriage

    Vermont becomes the first state to allow legal gay marriage
    Gay people can get married in Vermont
  • "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" is repealed

    "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" is repealed
    LGBT people can openly serve in the military
  • Same-sex marriage is legal in all 50 states

    Same-sex marriage is legal in all 50 states
    Same-sex marriage is legal in all 50 states