The Legacy of the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire

  • The Fire

    The Fire
    One of the deadliest workplace disasters ever. This fire left 146 dead, most of them being young immigrant women and children. People here either burned to death, or chose to jump from a ninth story window. 50 people chose the latter. Almost two dozen tried escaping down a fire escape, but it would not reach the ground and collapsed from the weight. This horror brought national attention to the issue and made the nation more concious than ever.
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    After the Fire

  • Alabama Miner's Strike

    Alabama Miner's Strike
    The 1920 Alabama coal strike was a statewide strike of the United Mine Workers of America against coal mine operators. The strike was marked by racial violence, and ended in significant defeat for the union.
  • Court Ruling

    Court Ruling
    U.S. Supreme Court rules that federal courts could enjoin unions for actions in restraint of trade despite the Clayton Act.
  • Century Airlines pilots' strike

    Century Airlines pilots' strike
    The Century Air Lines Strike of 1932 was a strike of pilots from Chicago based Century Air Lines following a proposal in early February by the company owner to cut wages by up to 40%. The two month strike was the first in the history of the aviation industry and also the first significant action for the year-old Air Line Pilots Association (ALPA) which represented the 23 striking pilots
  • Seizing of Railroads

    Seizing of Railroads
    President Truman ordered the U.S. Army to seize all the nation's railroads to prevent a general strike. The railroads were not returned to their owners until two years later.
  • Seizing of steel mills

    President Truman ordered the U.S. Army to seize the nation's steel mills to avert a strike. The act was ruled to be illegal by the Supreme Court on June 2nd.
  • Employee protection

    Employee protection
    This is not a single law, rather, it states that all laws protect from whitsleblowers, but this protection is taken off if one complains about the violation of law of an employer. Remedies can include job reinstatement and payment of back wages. Use it or lose it.
  • Air Traffic Controller's Strike

    Air Traffic Controller's Strike
    Federal air traffic controllers began a nationwide strike after their union rejected the government's final offer for a new contract. Most of the 13,000 striking controllers were dismissed by President Reagan on August 5th. Reagan ordered them to leave.
    The largest labor rally in United States history broke out in protest of Reagan's order.
  • Employee Polygraph Protection Act

    Employee Polygraph Protection Act
    This law prohibits most employers from using lie detectors on employees.
  • The Family and Medical Leave Act

    The Family and Medical Leave Act
    This act requires that employers of 50 or more must provide up to 12 hours of unpaid, job prtected leave to workers for birth, adoption, or serious illness to a parent, child, or spouse
  • The Pregnant Workers Fairness Act

    This act, signed into law by Mayor Bloomberg, states that employers must make reasonable accomodations for pregnant workers- like rest and water breaks- so long that the accomodations don't cause undue hardship for the employer.