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The Legacy Of The Middle Ages

  • Period: 500 to 1500

    The start of the middle ages

    It began with the fall of the Western Roman Empire and transitioned into the Renaissance and the Age of Discovery.
    This is a link to a video in the early middle ages
  • Period: 1000 to 1250

    The high Middle ages

    The period was marked by economic and territorial expansion, urban growth, the emergence of national identity, and the restructuring of distinctive institutions.
  • Period: 1096 to 1099

    The First Crusade

    The First Crusade during (1096–1099) was the first of a series of religious wars, or Crusades, initiated, supported and directed by the Latin Church in the medieval time.
  • Period: May 31, 1215 to Jun 1, 1215

    The Magna carta was signed

    Magna Carta was issued in June 1215 and was the first document to put into writing the principle that the king and his government was not above the law. It was to prevent the king from abusing his power and limits of royal authority by establishing law as a power.
  • Period: 1300 to 1500

    the late middle ages

    The Late Middle Ages was a series of events in the thirteenth and fifteenth centuries that ended European stability during the Middle Ages. Three major events led to thick changes in all areas of society: population decline , political instability, and religious disturbance.
  • Period: May 29, 1453 to 1500

    the end of the middle ages and the start of the modern era

    The capital of the Byzantine Empire, fell to the invading of the Ottoman Empire on May 29, 1453. Today, we believe that this marks the end of the Middle Ages and the beginning of the 15th-century AKA the modern era.