1978 BCE
Roads in Rome
They were constructed out of concrete, pebble, gravel. And now the path is fixed and looks nice. -
312 BCE
Aqueducts were made out of stone and concrete. And they are made to transfer water and take baths and drink the water. -
Period: 312 BCE to
The Legacy of Rome
The Romans used concrete over 2,100 years ago. They used it to build everything including the aqueducts. -
131 BCE
They placed newspapers in heavily trafficked areas. And they were made of metal and stone. -
112 BCE
Romulus and Remus
Romulus and Remus were two twins who were rescued by a she wolf. And a shepherd stole Romulus and Remus. They were raised by him. -
64 BCE
Nero and the fire of Rome
In 64 A.D. there was a fire that was destroyed 70% of Rome city but leaving half of the population homeless. Nero was at his villa about 35 miles from Rome. When he returned from his villa No one trusted him. -
Julius Caeser
He formed a political alliance. It was with Pompey, Crassus, and Caesar.