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The Last Convertible, Anton Myrer, Fiction, 506 pages

  • The Last Convertible

    George and his wife, Nancy have two girls; Amanda and Peg. Peg's boyfriend, Ron, is also George's friend's boy. Nancy asks everyone what they're doing today at the breakfast table. After they decide, they all part ways and get on with the day. George goes in his garage to work on his car. Earlier that morning, Amamnda read in the paper that they wouldn't make anymore convertibles. George was very upset with the ignorant decision. Page 1-22 Total: 275
  • The Last Convertible

    Ron went into the garage, where George was working on his car, to ask him a question. He wanted to know who his real father was and George didn't answer him right away. This made Ron think George was his father, even though he was dating his daughter Peg. He was obviously wrong and George started telling him a story.
    George and some guys were at Harvard and were moving into their dorms. They started hanging out, met a French student, and became good friends. page 22-34 total: 287
  • The Last Convertible

    George and his friends are at the girls' dorm waiting for them to finish getting ready for the football game. They joke around until they are finally ready and hop into Jean Jean's car. As they drive to the game, George thinks about how great these times are and how lucky he is to experience them. Peges 34-44 total: 297
  • The Last Convertable

    On their drive back home, George thought about how he got into Harvord. He then came back to the present day as they arvived the girls' dorms. He said goodbye to Nancy and kissed her once. He was thinking to himself about how he felt in love. Pages: 44-50 total: 303
  • The Last Convertable

    George, Nancy, Russ, and Chris went driving into the woods. Russ said there was somewhere really nice out there, but it was just a meadow. There, they were going to have a fun night but Russ said something that embarrassed everyone adn the girls were mad at him for a whie. George even told him to start paying attantion more and to start thinking. Page 50-60 total: 313
  • The Last Convertable

    That summer, in June, everyone was invited to Russ' parents' summer home. They played softball, boys against girls, and the girls won. Everyone was watching Russ and Chris, who knew eachother most their lives, and everyone knows they are meant for each other. Page 60-64 total: 317